Why NO ONE Plays: Kokomi | Genshin Impact

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For today's episode of Why NO ONE Plays (Genshin Impact) I wanna talk about a character who is actually not half bad in concept, but fails to incentivize players to go after her: Sangonomiya Kokomi!

Thanks to TKizaru for the extra Kokomi footage!

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#Genshin #WhyNoOnePlays #Kokomi
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Komi cant communicate

Kokomi cant crit


I saw a comment on a video that said “Kokomi’s passive is called ‘flawless strategy’ because she doesn’t rely on chance” and I thoughts it was extremely interesting.


I feel like a lot of the new characters also really shine in co-op. I know sara and raiden got a quite a bit of hate during release, but their co-op potential is really awesome. Same goes for kokomi, definitely super fun to play with someone who has her.

Edit: No idea how a non-negative comment about co-op spawned so much controversy.


Locking Kokomi out of crits is actually a really interesting design choice. It adds the idea of draw backs for bonuses in other areas, which is neat. But I think they definitely undertuned the benefits she received for such a large drawback. Maybe if she received an extra hydro dmg bonus or something it would be more viable.


the new set makes me glad i pulled for kokomi

she literally does so much damage now LOL


Its funny looking back and seeing how badly videos like these have aged. Kokomi deserves a ‘Why everyone plays’ now lol


There's also the simple reason that Raiden Shogun was announced for the patch too, which affected Ayaka's, Yoimiya's and Kokomi's sales.


i pulled for kokomi and i honestly don't regret it, shes literally a walking statue of the seven, her E lasts for a long time and the ticks for the healing is so good.


*I am preparing "Why no one" character list.*
✔ Why no one plays Keqing.
✔ Why no one plays Amber.
✔ Why no one plays Kokomi.
❎ Why no one plays the Traveller.
❎ Why no one plays Xinyan.


My friend accidentally got her and regretted it immediately. Now she's nearly friendship lvl 10 and one of his most used characters and one of his faves. Stan Kokomi


I don't understand how anyone can take anything you say in an offensive way when your voice is so calm and overall just so captivating to listen to.


Honestly I don't regret pulling for Kokomi. There's even some crazy people that have actually somehow not only turned her into a dps, but also made her crit! She's amazing in abyss against the pyro cube, and she's a great support for Ayaka since her jellyfish both heals her and makes sure the enemies stay frozen. Besides, she's the prettiest hero ever.


Healing is actually really viable in co-op. I can't tell you how many times I ended up using Kokomi in co-op because no one else bothered to build a healer "because healers are useless" yet they can't survive a run or two without her.


Ironically, those who has her, which is like 20+ percent of the players only, uses her in abyss with a much higher usage rate than childe, yoimiya, eula, and mona. So i cant really say nobody uses her, its just that most people dont even have her, so its rare to see people using her.


I pulled Koko on accident, was new to the game and trying to get all the 4 stars, got her on wish 32. Was told "Koko bad because -100 crit rate" so didn't touch her for a while. But randomly decided to build her up on a whim and now she's one of my favorite characters to play. With her on my team, no one dies! And the jellyfish makes it nice for selfish DPS characters like Yanfei to shine >:D Her burst turns her into a DPS unit for 10 seconds and also full heals my entire party. She's been super useful for co-op. Most people prefer using DPS characters and Koko is really good at keeping them alive. Imo she offers a bit of a different way to play the game (hehe RPG options) and I really enjoy playing her.


This aged poorly and I'm all for it. Kokomi really became more and more desirable as the versions go by


the new clam set "fixed" her flaw of having to stay on field for too long to maximize her burst but doing piss poor damages while healing the party. thanks for your insights on her excellency by the way


I think it's refreshing to have a character where you don't hyperfocus on crit rate/dmg. DPS characters are getting a little too same-y and it's nice to shake it up and change the strategy.


Personally, I actually kind of liked that she couldn't crit because it made farming artifacts for her MUCH easier. And sure, while she definitely doesn't do the most damage as a result, she's still a lot of fun, and her elemental skill synergizes well with short range freeze teams, personally I pair Kokomi with Ayaka and can destroy things by freezing them and then having Ayaka burst. Plus, nobody ever seems to complain if I take her into coop because they get guaranteed heals and depending on the domain and teammates, ez freeze or ez electro charged. She's a lot of fun, but I can still see why a lot of people chose to skip her. Maybe in the future we can see her rise up in the meta.


Why no one plays Kokomi: because she is so incredibly beautiful that if they had her on their team, they would spend all their time just looking at her perfect design
