Coconut Oil: Is it bad? Thomas DeLauer Interviews Cardiologist Dr. Weiss

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Coconut Oil: Is it bad? Thomas DeLauer Interviews Cardiologist Dr. Weiss…

Dr. Decker Weiss and I go into exquisite detail regarding the safety of coconut oil and regarding the recent report from the American Heart Association. Some of the things that we cover in detail are the Cholesterol Myth as well as the stability of fats and how they react within the body. Dr. Weiss and I go into detail about oxidized cholesterol and its effect in the body and how the truly bad cholesterol is oxidized cholesterol, not LDL or VLDL cholesterol. Dr. Weiss is the founder of the Scottsdale Heart Institute and has built his name around a cardiologist that truly relies on proper diet and nutrition advances for his patients.

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Here's a thought for you: When Facebook told people coconut oil was good, my friend immediately bought some, when Facebook told her it was bad, she got rid of it. If I tell her the science and food industry tactics, she will never believe me, because she didn't read it on her news feed on Facebook. Scary stuff!


Coconut oil is the natural food for the heart - it gets the highest recommendation by the Australian Heart Foundation. I live in the Pacific where the coconut and it's derivatives being coconut oil, coconut water and coconut milk, is a staple - I probably eat about a tablespoon minimum every day and have done for many years - I am 68 with the same body I had at 25 (same weight, waste, chest, height). - I use it in my hair - it's a miraculous sun tanner without screening the sun - I make my own toothpaste with it by adding bicarb - I use it as butter, I cook with it, I use it as a carrier oil for essential oils - We who are healthy are healthy because we eat loads of fat - fat makes you thin. Cholesterol has nothing to do with it...the word cholesterol was not even heard of until 1980 - (and BTW there is only one type of cholesterol but there are two types of carriers HDL is the supply trucks and LDL is the pick up (rubbish) trucks)...the GP is ignorant - the university they went to is controlled by drug lords who sit on their boards...Cholesterol is the body's NUMBER ONE antioxidant and anti inflammatory -The natives in the islands never suffer from skin problems, obesity, heart disease, dementia, osteoporosis, cancer etc etc etc and guess what is their main staple - it's paw paw and coconut...the whole thing... High cholesterol and mine is higher than most, means I get more Vitamin D3 when I stand in the sun, it means my thyroid is healthy since your thyroid is the hungriest gland in the body for cholesterol and it protects me against the common cold, engenders a feeling of well being, is a catalyst for the assimilation of calcium into the bone, is what your brain is made of, AND FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO LOWER THEIR CHOLESTEROL using Statins - good luck ! Statins cause statin myopathy (stroke, heart attack and joint pain. Statins now have 30 diseases attributed to them - your GP is a pusher. natureopaths are the medicine men and women...the word DOCTOR means to fabricate and falsify. eat food not crap.


I use coconut oil and it stopped my hayfever seasonal allergies, and reduced my belly fat in just 2 weeks.


Thanks!! I'm a 49 year old women who weighed 352lbs on April 12, 2017 my doctor suggested me to eat coconut oil then I found the keto diet and I have lost 35lbs but I get so many people telling me its bad. Now I know why I feel so much better this video has put my heart at ease. Thank you!!


I follow a few simple rules and it has always kept me healthy:

1) Avoid processed foods as much as you can. The only time I have them is at a party or some social gathering (which is quite infrequent) where I don't want to come across as a health snob.

2) Anything edible from nature is good (that includes coconuts). Nature knows best. It gives you the right balance of nutrients in every vegetable/fruit/nut it produces.

3) Balance and moderation is everything. Eat small quantities of all kinds of plant based foods instead of gorging on one kind of "super food" just because it is produced by nature.

4) Do not eat too much. Eat a morsel less than what is required to satiate your hunger. Eat only two meals a day that too only when you really feel hungry. Excessive food intake eating and eating frequently does not allow your body to rest and repair.

5) Intermittent fasting (12-16 hours every day) and a 48 hour fast once a month. This practice burns up excess glycogen deposits, cleans up waste products from the body, and gives it much needed rest for rejuvenation.

6) Regular bowel movement (twice a day) to not allow the digestive waste linger in the large intestines for a long time which is really bad.

7) Do significant amount of physical activity (walking, jogging, weights etc.)

8) Drink enough water.


Wow, eye opening. We are in a war for our health against the very people who are supposed to be protecting us.


Great Info!!! I am so glad you are out there helping us know how to eat for health... I started the KETO diet 5 months ago... In 5 months I have lost 50 lbs, thrown away all Metforman, Lantus and Novolog diabetes meds... my fasting glucose was 200-300 and my A1C was in the double digits ...I was taking 1000 mg of Metforman twice a day, 100 units of Lantus twice a day and 35 units of Novolog after every meal.... Now my fasting blood glucose is 120 and my A1C is 5.5... After 7 years of insulin resistance, my body has fallen back to normal...KETO has been life changing for me... I keep watching your channel and want to keep learning... Keep up the good work... you are saving lives out here...Thanks


Thank you for setting the record straight. The food industry is incorrect in promoting what is bad for our health because it is good for business. We use coconut oil for cooking, for sunburn, moisturizer, etc. No health concerns for many years.


I've been on a salad diet for 2 weeks and my energy has been so depleted. As a person who's always uses vegetable oil and olive oil in all of their cooking dishes. Starting today I am going to get rid of those things and start only using coconut oil as well as taking coconut oil with my tea twice a day. I strive to have a healthy lifestyle for me and my family. Thank you for your many teachings.




I appreciate all of your info on coconut oil and everything Thomas! !! I know now my family all died of food. It breaks my heart we are being lied to. I am a personal trainer now and have lost 150 lbs. Im 49 and in the best shape of my life. I love all the scientific info. I knew my family wasn't healthy and now that I know the details you share they literally died of food. My mom dad and sister. Makes me so furious and im mad too!! God bless you for your passion love for people and your information!!💞


Thank you for doing this video. I just had to try and educate numerous people on Facebook who were sharing this article and bashing coconut oil and saturated fat. Unfortunately the years of miss information that fat is bad is next to impossible to get out of peoples heads. Love that you had a cardiologist on, just adds more credibility to what you have been saying for so long.
Thank you brother for doing what you are doing.


Excuse me but this cardiologist doesn't look very healthy 🤔 for a cardiologist he's overweight.


The distinction drawn between TC and oxidized cholesterol was very informative. Love me some CO. Keep up the good work.


i use coconut oil and is very good for health


I'm so f*cking furious at the shit I grew up believing. I can't even think of any more words to express my frustration, I seem to be on the verge of apoplexy.


Thank you for this video. I have been arguing with several people. I hate that I have to defend coconut oil. I am 68 years old and have worked at WalMart 30 years and people say I look 40. Coconut oil is part of my health and youthful appearance.


Awkward moment when Thomas looks healthier than the "doctor".


I have been using coconut oil for some time now. I love its fragrant smell as I am cooking with it and the taste is pleasant. I, as well, use it for skin care and as as conditioner for my hair at times. It is wonderful and I have had no problems with it. I will continue to use it. Thank you for the access to this very informative video. I enjoy the content of your videos thoroughly. Keep up the excellent work.


I started using coconut oil 2 years ago and I lost 30 lbs in 6 weeks-also lowered my ALT (liver enzyme=fatty liver disease ) from 42 to was amazed-said keep taking it!
