Best Books for Stopping Drinking Alcohol - 7 Brilliant Books for Sobriety

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These 7 books are a must read for anyone who has stopped drinking or is considering their relationship with alcohol.

This isn't just a list of traditional books that teach you the steps for stopping drinking, I have included books that helped me on my own journey and opened my eyes to my limiting beliefs and lack of self awareness.

Add these books to your reading list and you will make your own journey to becoming alcohol-free much easier.

Simon Chapple
The Quit Alcohol Coach

#stopdrinkingbooks #quitalcoholbooks #soberbooks
Рекомендации по теме

I stoped drinking alcohol instantaneously after reading ALLAN CARRS QUITTING ALCOHOL WITH OUT WILL POWER. I highly recommend this book. It hypnotises the reader to quit alcohol by making following two points
1. Alcohol does not give any genuine pleasure.
2. Quitting alcohol is painless and no sacrifice required.


best book I found was Allen Carr, the easy way to sop drinking
you can listen on U tube audio book
good work Simon


Sorry u feel that way! In my desperation I'll read all i can. There are always pearls to resonate with you. realizing you're not alone. Gather your own "recipe" for what works 4 you. It do does take work. Start somewhere, Anywhere! Peace


I'm on Day 21 sober, 3 weeks! This is a great resource, thanks for sharing this. I will definitely check these books out. I already have your first book!


The unexpected joy of being sober by Catherine Gray. Is also a brilliant book especially for women ❤️


Simon's book helped me so much. For real.


By reading some reviews on Amazon some recommends to read the Alcohol Explained 1 and then 2?
Anyone could add to this please?
Many thanks


Good info
How can I get the hard copies?am in Ghana.


Simon, i am past the six year sober mark now. I have a book recommendation for you and others. "The Psychology of Alcoholism" by George B. Cutten. People can read it now on the internet as a PDF, under william white papers. The fascinating and eye opening part of this book, is that, it shows in very well written medical detail, all the problems with alcohol you talk about and other authors talk about. In my view it is just as informative, even more so, than these current 2010's decade of stop drinking books. However, here is the interesting thing, The Psychology of Alcoholism by George B. Cutton was published All the information about Alcohols detrimental effects was explained in detail in a book written 114 years ago! It goes also in to recovery techniques at the end of the book also. I have to conclude therefore that there has been a systematic suppression of this information for over 100 years. Cheers and thanks for all the videos!


Are you seriously suggesting that reading a book is somehow going to take an addict to all the sudden find it in them to go sober? This is so silly, uninformative and just content creation.
