What is Stoicism, and why should you care.

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Why I'm a stoic.
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I did not have control of my mother's cancer. I did have control over how i could provide her a comfortable home to end her days in. We have to do what we can, where we are, and accept it.


I love your definition of stoicism. "It's not about surrendering power. It's about recognizing where your power is and using it to your advantage in a way that yields positive changes."


Like you, I wasn't aware of the Stoic 'flow' in my life. I came to Stoic philosophy through an existential faith which had been nurtured in Eastern traditions such as Taoism and Zen. I've come to appreciate the modern hybrid of Western and Eastern philosophies which has been emerging in these difficult times. Thank you for your helpful and informative encouragement.


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I. cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


I knew there was a reason that I liked you so much. My mother was only raising 4 but fully by herself. I miss her so. Good mothers, even stressed one, are such a large blessing. It is nice to find a fellow stoic. So many never understand. Though for those of us with PTSD, we can't always embrace it the way we should. I have been healing from a recent bout of PTSD inducing trauma. The joy I have gotten from watching your vids has helped so much in my healing process. And now you want to talk philosophy? You have given me no choice. I am officially drafting you into my Fantasy Friends team. I hope life is always sweet for you my friend. Sending love


Excellent introduction to stoicism, and I agree that it's a great place to start a journey into philosophy. Thank you for sharing about your life and your perspective. Great video!


Until you experience some death in your life, you won't realize how temporary this all is. Then once you do, you'll soon start appreciating every day and moment, for you just never know when things will change or end. That's how death has affected me personally.
I'm happy to be here for this journey with you and thanks for sharing.


I have seen a lot about stoicism lately. However, when stoicism starts "trending" in an already narcissistic and selfish society, stoicism can create even more very cold folks if they don't truly look into it and are just looking at reels about it. It's more about being more discerning with what we worry over and what we can actually change. Peace and blessings to you, Rodney. I look forward to the series.
Matthew 11:28 🕊


Kids should be taught philosophy in school from a young age. Logic is an important thing that can help people develop into happy good healthy thinking humans.

I'm glad you posted this hopefully to spark curiosity in people's minds in how people they admire 'tick.' Your short videos have a good impact on people imo...I'm a people too makes me happy to listen to a thoughtful human.


Your such a great teacher because of your authenticity and love in your eyes 😊 And not to be forgotten: Long beard 😅


For a mental image, Funny guy Rodney meet Professor Norman...🤔 something like that 😅


Thanks for this. Like you, I have been kind of living and thinking in a Stoic manner for a long time without realizing it. Once I actually discovered the philosophy itself and the great teachers of it, I committed myself with intention to make it how I govern my life. It's truly the only practical philosophy I've ever come across.


As the Brits say - keep calm and carry on. Given how much I enjoy your standup and your shorts, I’m genuinely looking forward to videos to come sharing your philosophies on life!


okay, I've been trying and I thought I was succeeding till I see this video... and as a mom I gotta say, damn, you made me cry... ❤️
( "mostly I just tried to make her laugh"♡)
thnks Rodney for spoiling my progress in the path of stoicism 😂


Im happy to see you. Your made me cry. Not sad cry. This has been difficult. Im just resting. Its been rough on me trying to gather everything i can still but its gotten noisy again. Your like a familiar face to me in a world of AI. Prickly pear.


You’re a beautiful soul, man, thank you for being awesome, and stuff! Ok bye


Great video! I look forward to more of this series! I have been learning about and practicing Stoicism for the better part of the last decade and it has been quite beneficial.


watching this video only right now. was into serious depression stare. as always, you speaking wise words. still watching this video right now


You got me 😊...
as a mom with 2 boys
I thank you for that peek into their young minds...I cried a little with that...in a good way...it helped me to realize that even if they seem like they do not care....they actually do.
Well that explains the wild hair, it is simply in your DNA. Pretty neat to have a race car driver for a dad.


Rodney can you please do a video about how to deal with/manage waking up borderline suicidal every morning? My day gets way better most of the time just through participating in life but when I wake up in the morning I just want to go back to sleep. I have a great job 8-4 and I still dread going into it every day because time just moves so slow for me. It’s hard to imagine doing this 5 days a week for the rest of my life, at least for the next 23 years. But my wife and kids depend on me. Idk what it is man but yeah every morning I just want to die. Like right now I’m in a great mood because it’s Friday and I’m off work but I already have anxiety about the fact that Monday morning is on its way and then it will be “oh cool, just 5 more days of this again”. I’m a musician and I work at a printing company (great job for a normal person, idk what the hell is wrong with me though, doing anything for 8 hours seems like torture). Please help me manage and redirect my thoughts/feelings in the morning brother. I wake up so tired and empty, and depressed, so much to the point where being in a great mood the day before seems almost fake, like it wasn’t even me. Or like I’m just bipolar or something. Idk it really sucks.

Sorry for the long comment. I know you’ll read all of it though. You’re a great dude and I’m grateful that you post the things you do because they really help put things into simple perspective for me ❤
