Why EVERYONE Plays: Riven | League of Legends

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Continuing with my coverage of the Four Horsewomen, this episode of Why EVERYONE Plays will be featuring Riven!

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#Riven #LoL #LeagueofLegends
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at 0:30 you said: "This episode of why no one plays"


i think that when you start playing league, and guet you ass whooped by a riven you either start playing the champ, or you just hold a grudge against her for the rest of your life, i chose the second option.


I'm still amazed that she basically functions so well mainly through a bug that lets you cancel everything to pretty much instaburst people.


3:34 not the thresh bming after dodging the naut hook only to immediately miss his hook in return


3:06 ah yes, my favorite riven onetrick.



4 dashes, 1 shots the ADC, she's both a bruiser and an assassin, you wonder why people like her


Why everyone plays riven:

Because we all thought at one point we could do what box box did

We were wrong


We could dream


A friend of mine recently started playing her because he got her Broken Covenant skin and really wanted to see her Griddy dance emote. He’s really good with her too so it’s a win for him


Bringing Pantheon as an example of an AD caster who falls off late-game... that's what us Pantheon players want you to believe as we point and click empW-Q-E one shot your kaisa in a fraction of a second and then have a spell that gives us complete invulnerability from the rest of the team.

Or manage to sidelane duel pretty much any champion in the game. The 30% passive armor pen is nothing to scoff at.


you seem to not give enough emphasis on the fact that she cannot deal with tanks. If you're up against riven you should look to rush Tabis and you auto-win your lane without doing basically anything special. And don't get me started on the fact that she doesn't have any sort of healing sustain (which ALL toplaners have), therefore a small mistake can be punishing and can ruin your whole game


when are we getting "why everyone bans zed?"


can confirm riven DOES have sauce, good vid mr. vars


Boxbox’s old videos singlehandedly got me into league.


There’s two types of rivens, trash Riven players and high elo one trick with a 60% WR Riven. Which one will you go against? Let the RNG decide.


I've been in love with this champion for so many seasons, she's so fun and rewarding to play, even as low elo player you get your moments of spotlight, her builds vary a lot through the seasons as well as her role in a team


0:50 that Jax took negative damage from a full MF ult 😞

Edit: I love the explanations being made as if the same thing wouldn't have happened if this were a Teemo whose only armor was a Zhonya's and didn't use the active. Guys. I've played a lot of adc and top alike. This is just the way the game is played as long as the top laner isn't dumb enough to be out of exp range of 50 cs


I play Riven becaue her OG voice actress is Christina Vee...


I don't think I've seen a riven in my game in literally years


Riven main here. Thank you for this video! I started playing League not so long ago and got her as a reward. Recently got Silver 3 and still in love with her. She feels great and fun. Yeah, she can fall behind easily but if done right she is the force to reckon with. This game is quite fun, love to everyone <3


This video is amazing but unfortunately it doesn't really hold up to the Riven current state in the game:

Don't get me wrong she's still played, but she's at one of her lowest peak of playrate due to how much the game's bullshit is taking over top lane.

Every other skirmisher basically destroys you with a couple of exceptions (such as Gwen), and tanks are insanely hard to kill after just tabis.

BC is extremely underwhelming and we lost Serylda as bruisers too, you really have to commit on the lethality in order to actually deal some damage with that, without even mentioning Rav Hydra really lost the power it used to have on Riven.

Added to the overall sugarcoating of the early game (low respawn timers, early homeguards when you die, item components less strong, higher hp and survivability on everyone) really hindered Riven's snowball potential.
Toghether with tabi changes (that now blocks every damage that gets trough autos, not just auto damage), everlasting bugs (Q doing whatever it wants, the only good sustain item is bugged and doesn't crit), and overall kit oldness (one example: why does Aatrox gets his ult extended on kill and Riven doesn't?) really made her feel like not worth sometimes.

Moreover, nowdays there's a huge amount of unstoppable autos around (Jax's W after rework being the last), that your W really doesn't stop much besides normal autos nowdays (and the poor Sion which is one of the few tanks that Riven really stomps early).

She's still insanely fun... but I wish we'd had some "2024 power" like 80% of the rooster.
