A rant about Overwatch 2

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Wanted to talk about my current feelings towards this CURRENT season of Overwatch, I did this in one take with barely any edits so not the best with these types of videos but I'll improve if people like listening to me talk. Peace and love!

Also didn't talk about ranked itself as I felt this video would be too long! Maybe I'll talk about that in a future video!

#froggerow #overwatch #overwatch
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i did this in one take and forgot to talk about RANKED!! oh well next time.


I get on low gravity queue to play queue deathmatch without being worried abt joining an actual game


4:24 "evil lucio"
lucio but instead of being brazilian he's just argentino


its geniunely insane that something shown in the trailer aka weapon inspects still isn't out yet ALMOST 2 YEARS INTO THE DAMN GAME


you know overwatch is getting rough when froggah has to rant about it


They should’ve given junkrat a Porsche skin where it looks like he stole a ton of parts from one of their cars


The va has given more personality and backstory of the character through streamer colabs than ow2


I've seen maybe 2 Porche D.Vas the entire season. didn't even know Pharah had a Porche skin until I saw it in the bottom right of the main menu.
(idk why they collab-ed with Porche. I feel like if fancy car people and Overwatch players were a ven diagram, they'd be two different circles on two different sheets of paper in two different buildings in two different countries.)


I am still so sad they cancelled the PvE. I remember talking to my girlfriend how this was going to be really fun, having the talents and new skill for heroes. And then one week later they announced on the livestream that they would cancel it. Haven't really played much since.


Random, but i just realized we haven't gotten a new cinematic since Kiriko's, which was over a year and a half ago. That Sojourn one that came out wasn't even "new". They previewed it back in like 2021. Pretty sure they had it in the vault for a while. What is up with that though? Overwatch needs things like that to help its public perception and yet it's like they can't bother with cinematics anymore.


Venture's release was really deflated. No base legendary or epic skins? No real origin story? You know somethings wrong when the community has to make Venture more interesting then what Blizzard gave us.


Venture's release was such a let down, there was so many ways they could have an origin story, venture could be trying to recover artifacts from talon and the junkers are there to steal it too. There is so much they could do for venture, but they didn't do anything at all with them, killing all hype surrounding the character nearly instantly


I'm coming at this from a tank players perspective: The biggest problem with the game right now is that you can't play what you want. You either pick the meta heroes or you lose, and that applies to everyone on the team, and if you have that one OTP on your team who refuses to switch, it's actually over and there's not much you can do about it, especially as a tank. There is very little outplaying someone on the worse hero, and even when you do, there is no sense of acomplishment because you get screamed at by your 4-10 Soldier for throwing by not picking Road/Orisa/Mauga/whatever unfun piece of shit tank that Blizzard wants to be meta this season.


I don't think blizzard actually considers how to keep certain gamemode alive. They just see that it isn't immedietly successful and abandon it entirely.


season 10 feels like it was supposed to be the egyptian theme and mirrorwatch was swapped in last minute


i think you brought up alot of good points man. weve got all these cool characters yet constantly its the same 5-6 characters being played because theyre meta. it definitely ruins the vibe of gameplay a lot and as a tank main, im so tired of having to constantly fight against a mauga or hog because people just want easy wins :(


Game won't be good until torb can wall climb.


Heavy on wanting guilds/lfg stuff. This game is at its best for me when it’s unserious and played with friends. It’s hard to make new friends in ow tho bc people are often kinda volatile recently. Also an official Lucio mafia guild would go crazy lol


"I need to stop laughing at my own jokes but im so funny" I love you frogger.


On the point about the Porsche collab... Conductor rein was one of the greatest rein skins ever cause train whistle. We definitely would have loved an engine sound on pin
