Overwatch 2 Is Infested With Cheaters

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The Overwatch 2 (OW2) grind is real and isn't stopping anytime soon

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#overwatch2 #overwatch #Flats #spinbot
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The worst part about this is that you can report a cheater and never get an update about them being banned. Meanwhile you can report a dude for saying "butts" in chat and get an update about a ban/silence in less than 12 hours.

The game is out of control with it's overcensorship and lack of actual problem solving.


Overwatch 2's anti-cheat is called 'Defense Matrix'...

must be on cooldown


"Something is wrong in overwatch" I'm absolutely flabbergasted


Blizzard response: we’ve reviewed the footage and we’re releasing a tornado Cassidy skin for 35.99 you are welcome


Yeah me and and like 4 other players reported a widow who headshoted everyone nonstop all game while 360 spinning nonstop, I told him he cheats because he has no life he threatened to report me. The next day I got a 30 day silence for "disrespectful communication".
I never got a notification he was banned. They literally prioritze swearing over cheating. Idk what to even say its sad to see what the game has become, I dont wanna leave it but I just feel so alienated from the game and its community that I just cant enjoy it anymore. Its worse than Valorant, they are trying to market towards kids with microtransactions to make money off them. Its gross and I cant stand it.


Us brothers from the tf2 community understand the pain, and stand with you. Recently fps games having problems with cheaters feels like just another wednesday. It's a fucking epidemic and feels like no one is doing shit about it.


Spin botting not being detected instantly has always blown my mind. Are there times when people crank their dpi and spin around for the lols? Yes but they aren’t one clipping people at the same time.


Blizzard doesn't have time to ban cheaters when there's people *gasp* swearing in chat to ban.


As a software engineer I can tell you that this is not difficult to detect at all so I don't know what Blizzard are doing. Someone needs to get fired.


This is some actual “the games on maintenance mode” shenanigans. Like, I stopped playing months ago, but to me this just looks like Blizzard has a skeleton team doing just enough to keep the money printer - I mean game - alive.


Weirdly I get the "Thanks for your report, player has been banned" notification really often from reporting people in my Plat lobbies. I wonder if it's more of a thing that they are assuming high ranked accounts are safe for some reason, or if there is some other protection going on, or they simply are prioritising the low ranked players over top 500. But I agree this is really fucking embarrassing, I see literally 0 reason they can't flag replays where their account is getting 99% headshot accuracy, or flag people who are spinning that fast for manual review where someone with a big of brain can manually ban.


cheaters are such a systemic issue with basically all multiplayer games right now that doesnt get talked about enough. if its not fixed it could lead to the death of the online multiplayer game


Flats talking about the selling accounts thing in overwatch is actually more common than I expected. Does anyone remember how ssniperwolf got boosted back in the day? she didn't get high rank by herself, she had someone else play for her, and that's like better than cheating imo just because that means someone at least had skill (even if it wasnt her)


There's been a steady increase in the kind of shameless cheating you can spot on a killcam since Blizzard announced their plans for the comp rework during S9. I was getting tons of those "thanks for reporting" screens throughout S9 and S10 before I burned out on sending in reports with replay codes and timestamps of whatever was sus.

At one point I was seeing so many suspicious players in my games (on red OR blue team) that I wondered if Blizzard had some kind of system that matches suspected cheaters with players who have a high rate of confirmed reports to test the quality of the other reports.

Is the reporting system overwhelmed? Does banning fewer cheaters make Blizzard more money when a threshold percentage of players tolerate it? Are cheats harder than ever to detect? Did Blizzard underestimate how much this problem would grow when they switched to a free-to-play model?


I was in Vulture's (Sewerrat) stream when this cheater was stacking with people and running rampant. They were in THREE of his games and one of them was more memorable than this clip.

Route 66, the cheater was winning by a landslide on attack. Vulture and Mace (his duo at the time) were joking about "activating their cheats", but the tank on their team was like "ok" and left the game, THEN CAME BACK WITH ACTUAL AIMBOTTING CHEATS AS ORISA. So it was a cheater versus cheater battle, but this spinbotter remained victorious with a pocket mercy. Truly a game of all time

Also on another note, we weren't aware that the Pharah in this clip was actually hard cheating as well. He was locked onto Vulture the entire time and calling him deplorable things. What an actual loser


ive also noticed that theres more and more people who will refuse to play the game if you play a character they dont like, the other day i had a support duo that got mad at me and my group for messing around in quickplay as doom, widow, and sombra (me), and they talked trash in chat saying "youre not getting heals until everyone gets serious" when the game hadnt even started yet, we were literally sitting in spawn waiting to go to point and they completely ruined the game, we physically could not do anything no matter how the three of us swapped or changed our attack patterns


Being in a team and seeing that shit in your team and backing them up is absolutely insane


Console is not even safe either, there's been a massive influx of ximming on console. It's actually not even funny, like it doesn't matter where you go comp, quick play, arcade, and even custom games. It's actually just insane


"It's like watching a roomba" is the best description for these cheaters I've ever heard 😂


He's not spinbotting he just found out how to use Death Blossom on all characters 💀💀💀
