6 Signs You Are MORE Attractive Than You THINK

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0:00 Intro
0:17 Unattractive Girls
1:37 Married Women
3:39 Friends catch girls
5:03 Comments from guys
5:59 Comparisons
6:47 Non-physical traits
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This video changed my life. I am now 100% sure that I actually am ugly af. Thank you!


So basically how to tell if you’re attractive:
1. Girls hit on you
2. Women hit on you
3. Bros compliment you


Thank you. You helped me realize I am not attractive even in the slightest. 😀


Before watching this I thought I was ugly, but now I can now proudly confirm that my thoughts never changed.


So basically everything I'd expect to happen to me if I was attractive is a sign I am attractive.


The joy of being old is i no longer care whether others find me attractive or not. The pressure is off.


Thanks, I’m official ugly! Not a single one checked 😂


This is one of the few videos that made me feel a lot better about myself. I tend to always go off of how I was judged in middle school for my looks.. its sometims hard to get passed that.


I got no one throwing themselves at me. But i have a loving dog who gives all her love with no conditions.


I don’t find myself ugly but neither all that crazy in attraction value, I’ve had girlfriends before and they’d call me handsome, I probably have a solid jawline. But altogether I try to make up for any physical attraction by being confident, funny, and just generally stoic. Make sure you look people in the eyes, keep up conversation, be confident in your answers, and just seem like you know what you’re talking about. Being a man means knowing to think in grey, but speak in black and white.


I could have really used this video years ago when I was a young single man looking for love. Like most guys then and now, I was pretty clueless. So hopefully you’re helping a lot of young men feel better about themselves. Heaven knows it’s hard to be a dude, especially today, and way too many young men are confused and lonely. You’re doing some good things.


Thanks for confirming I'm ugly AF.


LMAO average guys are getting gaslit into thinking they are attractive. Guys, if a man is truly attractive, girls WILL let him know. You just have to spend time with an attractive male friend. You will SEE how differently women behave around those guys. If you are an older dude now and regret that you didn't notice "subtle signs" from women in your past, then chances are, that there simply were no signs at all.


This guy makes me feel good, now when an attractive woman thinks nothing of me i'll think, she's thinking about me, honestly makes me feel good


Older women and overweight women always go out of their way to talk to me and I never thought much of it, but you bring up a good point. It's still female attention, even if it's undesired female attention, so perhaps women do actually find me attractive.


6/6 For me, Glad to know I'm doing well haha, Interesting point about the unattractive girls as I always noticed this and wondered if it was a LACK of being attractive was the case but as you've explained well its the opposite, I never thought of it in that way.

Also the compliments from male friends was one i noticed a lot too, often get compliments like "you're looking dapper, smart etc, save some jawline for the rest of us" funny things like that. Finally the "other people noticing girls looking at you" is one that has always made me laugh as I never tend to pay attention to it but friends, family mention it happens. I went shopping and started to pay more attention recently to find a fair amount of young woman staring as I walked past. Great enlightening video dan keep it up mate!


I thought I was unattractive cause I was fat my whole life then lost weight and started consistently training and sticking to a diet. I generally live in a small town until I went to the club. I complimented a girl whilst I was drunk. She was a 10/10 in my eyes and she said back “is that what you say to all your hoes” and after that I went to the bar to get a few drinks… a random lady came to up to me and asked for a picture with me as she was on a “scavenger hunt” for pics with cute guys. All this seems like bullsh*t. But it’s actually true, i went home the next day thinking about it all and the conversations I had that night: generally made me rethink about my self and potential. Stick to a consistent diet, train, and focus on yourself and watch your world around you change, it’s quite beautiful.


Most of the girls that compliments me or tries to get with me are the ones I am not attracted to, I get DM's from them all the time. And the ones I am attracted to really acts like I don't even exist in the room, but some of them surely are attracted to me. I have found that out after asking my crush out, I have been crushing on her since 9th grade, but she said she'd been crushing on me since 5th grade, isn't that insane?😅 till 9th grade I didn't even know she existed. I asked her out and told her I had a crush on her after school, after 10th grade, in summer holidays. If I hadn't asked, she would have never either. She'd been crushing on me for 5 years but never even tried to hold a conversation till 10th grade. She is shy, like really shy, but she's is really the sweetest person I have ever met, it's been 2 years since we officially started a relationship. And I'm happy than ever. She, also told me that a few other attractive girls found me attractive too but never cared much. The girls I thought are not attracted to me are actually attracted to me. So guys, don't forget to shoot your shot!
You'll never know for sure if someone is attracted to you or not, not until you shoot your shot.


I really needed this. Some guys question their level of attractiveness too much. I admit to this. Another thing worth mentioning about attractiveness for both guys and girls. In high school, competition can get pretty high between your peers, and it's usually with the kids who are top quality in how they look. She's drop dead beautiful and he's got the right kind of build, you get the idea. It's the nerds and jocks that struggle that nobody cares about, and in high school, you think in order to be successful, you have to look good physically. The harsh truth is, as kids, you're still growing and learning, and part of that is understanding how your body changes as you get older. Believe it or not, once those nerds and jocks reach college, they are the ones that shine better, both academically and physically. This made me turn my head as well, but those kids that were everyone's best friends in high loose their physical looks, due to the fact that they peaked earlier than most high schoolers would have. Going into high school, I was the overweight autistic who could seem to control his own weight, let alone attract a young lady. Now that I'm in my late 30s, I feel great becase I lost all that weight, and I've got a great job that keeps me physical during the week.


That’s a powerful thumbnail! I’ve been looking in the mirror and seeing exactly that. I let myself go a bit when I was with my toxic ex. Last year no one gave me a second glance and I was in a dark place. I got my shit together about 3 months after we split up, got back in the gym, started training Muay Thai again started looking after myself and I started getting all the things mentioned in the vid. This year has been one of the best years for me attention-wise and hopefully only going to get better. Fella’s you got this 💪
