The Sumerians...They Didn't Mention THIS in School - Lost Ancient Civilization & Sumerian Tablets

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The Sumerians, the world's first documented civilization dates back 6,000 years. They created system of time, the calendar, writing, agriculture, and many other things. This video outlines what the Sumerian tablets and raises interesting, yet debatable details.

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Oh, oh and I almost forgot...the solar system tablet clearly shows differences in the various sizes of the planets. Based on the order, it details that Earth was bigger than Mars, Jupiter much larger than Mars and (Jupiter) just a bit bigger than Saturn, etc. Fun/debatable topic. Thank you all so much for watching. Many, many more videos to come - huge list awaits, and I will soon be able to upload more often! - Jimmy


I am a history teacher in the Philippines and the Sumerian civilization is part of Grade 7 and 8 in HS. Its interesting that in some parts of the world, it is not part of the curriculum


In Finland we were taught the ancient history including sumerians in primary school. Etruskans as well, Assyrians, etc.


My history teacher taught us about the Sumerians. He taught us a lot more then was required. He didn't like the textbooks because some of the most important things in history were not in the textbook. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade had one paragraph. However, there was a whole chapter describing what feudalism was.


Also in Slovakia we were taught the history about Sumerians and many others. Quite extensive.


Beer, porn & contracts. The basis for our modern world.


I was told by my dad, and my dad was told by his dad and so that we are the grand children of Assyrian and Sumerian. I was named after the king Ashour and my brother after the king Sargon. I'm so proud to carry their gene and blood. I was born in Iraq and i live in Australia now but i go back for a visit every few years 🙂❤


Damn brother, it's good to hear your experience in Iraq was similar to mine. It woke me up too.


I can honestly say from a first-hand account that when I was in Middle School 6th grade specifically we were hammered on the Sumerians. I went to school in Ohio and I remember my teacher Mr Swan again taught us all of this it was a really fun section to learn


I learned about the Sumerians for about 2 of my lessons, each being 3 hours long. My professor makes sure to tell us all about things that are being discovered recently and he even says "this isn't in your text books but this is something to think about..." and would continue to go way off topic, in terms of the book. Not every teacher or professor are the same and go everything by the book.


I love Mesopotamia. I did learn about Sumerians in Elementary school (California).The Code of Hammurabi always stands out in my memory. Thank you for sharing this.


Your ability to fill people in quickly and coverin so much ground in a shot video is key to waking people up. Good job!!!


I am surprised that a major motion picture has not been made about this subject. It would certainly be epic!


There are always more questions than there are answers! Thankfully there are people out there who are trying to make sense of our world and human history! I wish I could live to be 1, 000 so I can sit in on the sidelines and listen in! I'm 80 now, so I can only stick around for a little longer...but it's been a blast learning all the new stuff!


True enough: We are always redefining things to make them new again when they were discovered thousands of years ago. Arrogant to think we are more evolved and more intelligent than our ancestors...the way things are headed I'd say we are devolving


Your honesty about your military experience just gained you another subscriber!


Ancient Persians had something called “Gardooneh Mehr” which almost translates to “Rotating Universe”. The solar system was known to old civilizations but Europeans gave themselves the credit


What I'm getting from this is that Assassins creed was right and that there was a race of smart people before us who gave us our knowledge


I am Ex U.S. Navy, '72-'78. 8 years ago is when I really got started in looking into our ancient past as human beings. You and I seem to have looked at the same information from a lot of different sources. Sure, some of it is BS but the information that rings the truth IS really out there. Our DNA plainly shows the change that we, as humans, WERE changed, by something, out there. I am sure glad that you are out there, too. For a long while I kinda felt that I was the only person actively looking for this kind of information. Again, Thanks


Dude can u do another video about The Sumerians. This is soo interesting !
