Is Apple Cider Vinegar Destroying Your Teeth? (A Dentist Perspective)

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Dr Murray Orr sheds some light on this one health trend everyone is talking about - Apple Cider Vinegar benefits and the risks it runs to your teeth. Watch the full video to learn how to decrease your risks while maintaining this habit.



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1) Delute with water
2) use a straw
3)Rinse with water afterwards
4) Carry on with your day


Use a straw to consume the diluted ACV and lemon juice. When done, rinse mouth thoroughly with water. This should give the acid very little time to soften the tooth enamel and your saliva should also help further. Most enamel damage will be caused from brushing teeth straight after drinking the ACV and lemon juice mix without a straw.


Everybody. Don't overthink this. Yes you have to dilute and rinse with clean water but, Remember many of the other foods and drinks you consume are just as acidic as vinegar. SODA for one, BEER for two, Coffee for three, etc.


I don't drink vinegar. However, I have used it to remove tartar buildup with great effect.


Since i stopped eating acidic foods, especially lemon juice, my teeth stopped being so sensitive and i can even bite ice-cream with no issues now. It seems so obvious that acids are bad to the teeth...


I drank acv in water once. Then I brushed my teeth and oh my god, I have never experienced pain like that, as if all my teeth were falling out. I really don’t know how people do this.


I noticed my enamel changed after my love for lemon martini's. I love to drink water with apple cider vinegar and a little stevia, but have wondered if it'll damage my enamel. Thank you for your video. I'll now sip on my vinegar drink and alternate sips of fresh water.


I don't see any advantage in taking ACV neat, as a shot. I dilute mine 1:16, as per instructions from ACV leading advocate, Paul C. Bragg, father of Patricia Bragg.To achieve that ratio, just add one Tablespoon of ACV to 8 ounces of water (or 15ml to 240ml). This reduces the PH of the vinegar in pure form (3.1) to a solution that has about the same PH as pure water, (PH 7), in other words it is PH neutral. This solution has virtually no acidity. If anyone is still worried about some vinegar residues somehow sticking to the teeth, simply brush or rinse with Baking Soda. This powder when introduced to any kind of vinegar will result in a neutralizing chemical reaction, which is perfectly safe. However the truth is that you'll not see any fizzing as a result of this reaction, because not enough of the vinegar from the 1:16 solution is present in the mouth.
Try it.


My opinion is the glass of water will not help. 2 years ago (due to not living in a city) I visited a dentist for the 1st time in 12 years. He was amazed my teeth had no problems. Immediately after, due to a highish cholesterol test, I started drinking one glass of water with juice of 1 lime each morning through a stainless steel straw (for Vitamin C because I stopped eating fruits with fructose) and I rinsed my mouth. 1 year later, sensing a strange feeling on my teeth, I returned to the dentist, who was shocked & was required to do 3 fillings, total cost $750.


I’m sorry, but apple cider vinegar has benefited me and helped me so much it also reversed my periodontal disease and it took off all of my tartar. I still went to get a cleaning from the dentist, but they were very shocked at how my teeth were healing because when I came there for the initial intake, it was severe and all I did was use apple cider vinegar as a rents, I also made a homemade all natural toothpaste with turmeric, baking soda, oil of oregano and xytinol orange peel and gargle with hydrogen peroxide the hygienist was very shocked to see how my gums turned back pink and how I had stopped my gums from bleeding and all just from those products alone, as well as changing my diet


Please talk about benefits of oil pulling? Should we do post drinking apple cider to prevent tooth decay?


You seem so cool and empathetic, kudos to you


Really didn’t think ACV was doing this to my teeth! 😱


I am suffering from mineralization due to the use of apple cider vinegar. I have been using ACV for the last 1 year but previously without any straw and now I don't know how to fix it.


What about using a straw to drink it? That might help lower the amount of acid getting on the teeth? ACV via a straw is tough though...


As soon as u drink acv u feel roughness in teeth


Hi, I wish I had seen this video earlier.. I have been taking 1 tsp of Acv diluted in 300ml of water for almost a year now. It really helped me a lot in my weight loss journey, but recently from the past month, I have been noticing that my teeth n gums are hurting.. Off late its becoming difficult for me to chew anything. All my teeth enamels are lost.. Now i don't know what to do.. Am in a fix...


Will adding baking soda to the lemon or the water taken afterwards help neutralize ph in the mouth?


Very interesting. Does diluting Apple Cider Vinegar ( e.g. 2 Tbp in 350 ml water) decrease the risk of tooth damage by the acidity?


A few weeks ago I started to drink Hisbiscus tea (cold) with a straw and also taking apple cider vinagar in the morning inside my smoothy. I also ate a grapefruit in the after noon. My tooth started hurting and be very sensible so I stopped all three. Is it better to abandon those things in favor of other healty habits, or should I try again? And maybe look for a way to isolate what I do wrong that hurts my teeth? Thx ✌️
