Things You Should NEVER Do While Taking Apple Cider Vinegar

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Things You Should NEVER Do While Taking Apple Cider Vinegar is a video that that looks at the details as to why people say apple cider vinegar is dangerous. There are no doubt reasons one should not drink apple cider vinegar but I certainly wouldn't put it in the dangerous category. Dr. Nick Zyrowski tells you in this video when you should avoid apple cider vinegar and when it is safe to drink it. Apple cider vinegar benefits are highly known and makes a great home remedy to many health concerns.



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Disclaimer: Dr. Nick Zyrowski D.C, B.S is licensed and has a clinical practice in the state of Michigan. All information shared by Dr. Zyrowski is for general information purposes only and is not to be used to treat, diagnose or self diagnosis at any time. Dr. Zyrowski's use of the term doctor when referring to himself is simply referring to his degree and licensing. There is no doctor patient relationship between you and Dr. Zyrowski. You should seek advice from your health care practitioner before changing anything in the way of your dietary, nutritional or health regiment. You should always seek advice from your qualified health care physician regarding any health condition. NuVision Excel, NuVision Health Center, Dr. Nick Zyrowski and Dr. Zyrowski are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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As a health professional I want to disclose something about health care.. there was a doctor I know who I still work with who said we make money off of people being sick, we don’t want to heal them this being said I know the benefits of apple cider vinegar and if taken properly can have some extremely positive impacts on people’s health… well.. I was seeing a patient one time and I suggested apple cider vinegar and that same doctor told me not to tell patients that which was odd.. and a few weeks after I saw that patient he said wow it really works!! My point is many doctors will tell u not to take things they know can cure or help ur health because if your cured and better u have no reason to see them and they make no money off healthy people. Just a thought for your mind. Doctors, surgeons, all other specialists and pharmaceutical company’s make billions off people being sick so think about that. I say try it and if it works, that’s great.. if not then don’t take it anymore. God bless everyone and I pray for everyone’s health. Be safe.


Funny. I've been taking a tbsp every morning and I have never felt better. I dilute it with water because I'm not an idiot.


things not to do:
1. keep drinking acv if you experience burning
2. drink acv without asking doc about interactions with meds
3. drink acv if you have low potassium levels
4. drink acv if you have signs of an allergic reaction


I always drink 2 tbsp diluted in 500mL of water every morning before my first meal. I’ve been doing this for 4 months and lost 9lbs already:) I’m also doing intermittent fasting 16:8 so it helps a lot in my diet journey.


I have been taking it every morning in green tea, a dash of lemon juice and some raw honey. It is helping my skin issues and I am having no stomach issues. It did clean me out in about a week. No problems since then


I drink 2tbsp ACV in moringa hot tea.
My itching problem has disappeared. I’m grateful to God🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Ohhhh I get it. It just depends on the differences of everyone's bodies, how u drink it, and how much of it u take


As a retired medical professional This information is 💯 truth


What's really odd is I'm type 2 diabetic. 3 months ago my blood sugar was averaged at 333. For 3 months I've pour a quarter cup of organic apple cider vinegar with the mother into a cup undiluted and shot it down in one gulp before bed.
Today my blood sugar was 89. It averages At 97. Kinda amazing huh, the best part is that not 1 doctor, pharmaceutical company nor drug store is making a dime


I took ACV as a diabetic, but I monitored my blood sugar as every diabetic should (I've been keto almost two years, and my blood sugar is under control.)


Hold up...Why would you take a full glass of acv? Sheesh. A tablespoon or half shot will do.


Everything is dangerous even water and milk it depends on how we use it.


He said, "Some ACV and dilute it A LITTLE BIT. " that is the problem, he has told stories of people who used too much apple cider vinegar and didn't dilute it or only diluted it a little. When using ACV you have to use no more than 1 tbsp. And then add water to it and then drink it. Use more water than you do ACV.


I take 1-2 tablespoons of ACV most days in a tea made from Turmeric, ginger, cacao, cinnamon, moringa, raw honey, and a dash of pepper to help absorb the turmeric. 3 parts turmeric and 1 part other items. As a senior I so not take any prescriptions but follow a low carb diet many days.


The first time I drank diluted ACV, I felt a very slight burning sensation in my chest wall and I had diarrhoea after it. I think I should have started with a tiny amount to allow my body to adjust to it. HOWEVER, I actually felt GREAT immediately after drinking it in every other respect. I had been suffering from a virus for a couple of weeks, and the ACV definitely cleared it out. My energy levels were markedly improved/back to normal as well. I still drink it once daily through a straw.


I drank about 4 tablespoons in 4 ounces of water one time. I had a huge allergic reaction and almost went into shock. It’s very important you take it in moderation and dilute it Atleast 20 to one


I'm convinced that acv gave me time to get to the hospital when I had my heart attack.


I have been drinking it in water for about a week and have noticed good things happening to me like the pain in my body is gone. I have been in pain for a better part of my life since I have been drinking it I noticed that the pain in my body was gone and my energy level went up I feel so much better since I have been drinking it in water I table spoon in a glass of water 4 times a day my digestion has improved I don't have acid reflux anymore I feel great no problems


It’s so important, to learn to listen to your body! We each should become “the leading authority”, on ourselves. I’ve been drinking ACV, in tea, daily, for nearly a year. Even so, there are times when my stomach clearly doesn’t want it. It’s essentially, for each of us to filter we all information, through our own self knowledge. I think some would call it being intuitive.


Great video. The cases mentioned here obviously didn't follow the correction directions on the bottle. 1 T ACV mixed with 8 oz of filtered water per serving not 1 cup ACV straight up. So there you have it. Side effects most likely happen if you don't follow directions. Go figure.
