ACC: Top 5 Beginner Cars 2023

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Do you want to know which is the best car for beginners in ACC? Jonas is here to show the top 5 cars to you! If you want to know, which is the best car to begin with in 2022 after the latest updates, this is what you need. 😉

Which is your favourite beginner car in Assetto Corsa Competizione? Let us know in the comments! 👇✍️

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Which is your favourite beginner car in ACC? 🤔


I'm finally getting in on ACC after a couple of years of neglecting it in favor of other sims, and I already had my preference set before walking in. I did some testing, but ended up loving the AMG GT Evo the best out of them all for my driving style. I did notice the Aston, Audi Evo and McLaren were also easy to wheel around, but the AMG feels the fastest in my hands, as I already know how it behaves and how to throw it at corners. It's deceptively agile, and supremely polite when responding to heavy inputs. I love it.


I am a complete and utter Sim Racing newb. I just started playing ACC on PS4 and tried a few cars out, and I much prefer the Ferrari 488 above all others. Here's why. I personally find the brakes incredible. Very responsive, and very tight. I also LOVE the fact that you can rev the crap out of the engine and it doesn't bog. And that helps with engine braking and downward force on the front through the turns. You do have to watch out for the rear spinning out a bit, but if you nail it...damn. Incredible machine. And the SOUND! Epic stuff.


There are 11 Easter Eggs.
One car that could fight with the Bentley for that top 5 position is the Lexus. Even if it's old, it can keep up with the modern cars (As opposed to the old best Mid Engine Car the Ferrari 488 NON-EVO version). And the aggressive setups aren't too bad to use.


Don't mind the M4's grill as much in GT3 form, wider car and less busy grill design helps


11 easter eggs,
The best beginner car is the Aston Martin V8.

Good on all tracks and conditions, TC2=8 keeps the car under control for heavy right foot people, easy to get a decent setup by just playing with pressures, ride height and wing (keeping aggressive's stock springs and dampers values), the balance of a FR platform...

It's a car that let you focus on the actual driving (proper racing line, braking marks, hitting apexes...), instead of taking some of that focus away to keep the car inside the track limits and not spinning on corner entry or corner exit.


Only been a sim racer for a few months and chose the McLaren from day one. Never looked back. Glad to know I had some beginners luck in choosing the perfect ride.


Found 8 easter eggs!! My favourite car is the Porsche, a very rewarding car on the corners and acceleration, but always trying to kill the driver on the next corner...and no top speed unfortunatly 😅😅


I've recently started SIM racing. Well I'm not as far as racing yet. Just driving. In ACC I picked the Asten Martin. I'm playing a bit of GT7 on console and I like Automobalista 2 on PC.


I've found 11 Easter eggs
And I started ACC with the Lexus. It was easy to handle and with TC and ABS turned on you can drive it with ease.


Found 9 eggs. I LOVE the vantage. Just chef’s kiss. Sounds great, looks great, drives great. And it’s British.


I found 11 easter eggs! I started off with the Bentley cuz Id heard it was the best all round car for beginners but I've found good pace with the McLaren 720! Although Im still waaaay off the pace competitively cuz Im on a controller and don't have wheel yet. Fingers crossed, that will change! 😀👍


Have done all cars as a rookie now! (Installed game today)

Easiest :
Aston, mclaren, nissan, porsche, reiter
Middel hard :
Audi, ferrari, honda, Lexus, Bentley
Hardest :
Bmw, jaguar, Lamborghini

My personal opinion and I love the lexus, the engine sound and the quick gearings but a little bit a biter if pushing to hard in corners.


I found 11 Eggs. Definitely have to say the Lexus is my favorite easy to drive go to car and still a decent contender for beginners.


There are 11 eggs! For some weird reason I get my best results with the Porsche and the Lambo, but if I had to choose one car to be both the most intuitive and easy to drive, it would surely be the Ferrari! The 488 is just absurdly stable, it's brutal how much you can push it and still keep on track


There are 11 easter eggs. Nice price - i´m new to GT7, found out that i am fast for a beginner. Now i am thinking about to get into simracing. fan of your work!


Counted 6 eggs. I personally really enjoy the Porsche as a beginner. Being able to brake so late is the thing I enjoy most during races!


11 Easter Eggs! I manage a sim team and I am very much looking to start making some entries on the ACC platform, so this has been very helpful! 👍


Very helpful video. So I think the new bmw radiator grille design is actually quite chic. And I found a total of 11 Easter eggs.


"Without being as huge as the British boat". You do realize the BMW M4 GT3 is the largest car on the grid? You also misquote the Boatley as being very heavy as it's one of the lightest cars on the grid. Other than that, great watch, enjoyed it!
