10 Things You Didn't Know About IndependenceDay

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When I went to go watch this movie with my dad, my brother and my sister we showed up early to get our tickets and the line for the movie stretched all the way around the theater. One of the staff came out and said they only had enough seats open for 3 people and we got picked. I’ll never forget that moment and wasn’t disappointed at all.


That Bill Pullman speech still gives me chills to this day. That and the Samwise speech to Frodo in The Two Towers are probably my top 2 favorite movie speeches of all time.


When the laptop timer reaches zero and David says "...time's up..." I get chills, every single time. Even now, just thinking about it and the music that plays at the moment, the brass horns striking a wailing note... I'm getting chills now just thinking of it!


Hey Mark,

It was ONE the best films I had the opportunity to work on. Our department was tasked with creating all of the miniatures. From the AWACS, "Welcome Wagon", "Mother Ship", "City Destroyers", "Alien Attackers", to the pyro miniature of the White House.

The "11th Thing You Didn't Know...". There was a production behind the scenes gag reel on VHS that was given out to everyone. I've got to find mine and post it.

Great videos! Thank for keeping us entertained.

For those in Anaheim, CA on 4-2-22 see you in WonderCon. I'll be a part of "The VFX of Doctor Who: You Can Do This!" panel.


What a great summer blockbuster. It's unashamedly dumb and cheesy. It just goes for it. And it's amazing for it.

Over 25 years removed, it's also easy to forget how big of a deal this movie was at the time. Now every super hero blockbuster blows up buildings and cities. When this movie came out, that level of destruction looking that real was something we hadn't really seen before.


Independence Day was the perfect example of all that was good about 90's action cinema, and Independence Day 2 was the very same of all that went wrong in action cinema since


For those of you who don't know, there's an alternate ending where Randy Quaid's character, Russell, is *turned down* when he volunteers to fly. Major Whats-his-face takes one look at that drunk and says, "No thanks. Get lost." Russell then shows up at the final battle in his biplane with a missile strapped to the wing and rams the ship. This whole sequence was filmed with the biplane and everything, but was changed to Russell in an F-18. I am *very* glad the powers-that-be didn't use that biplane. Quaid's redemption arc would have been far less if all he did was crash the party (literally.) Also, we would not have gotten his line, "I picked the wrong day to stop drinking."


Chris Rock should’ve said “now that’s what I call a close encounter!” After the slap. What a missed opportunity.


Still on of my favorite movies til this day and I still get emotional during Bill Pullman's speech.


Saw this in theaters on the 4th the day after it came out. Pullman's speech got a standing ovation.


I used to work at Blockbuster and when ID4 was realised, It was the first time 1 film filled a whole section of shelf space in the store.


Great cast, developed characters, special effects that still hold up... No reservations about calling it a true classic


When I was in high school my friend and I made a stop motion claymation parody of this movie called “Independence Clay.” 😹❤️


I remember it well. I was in the navy out in San Diego. That day was amazing for me. Spent the first part of the day at San Diego Comic-Con then waited in line at an outdoors mall to go see this film.


I totally agree with you, Minty. I literally loved this movie a whole lot. I found it to be extremely exciting, action-packed, energized, and a lot of fun. The characters were very interesting, particularly Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman, the flying saucers were great detailed, I thought the aliens were truly threatening. And I do think that it does feels like "Star Wars" wannabe. It's way better than "Stargate". Yes, it got heavily criticized, but it was a great celebrated independent film. A strongly recommendation for me on the 25th Anniversary of "Independence Day".

Independence Day (1996) 4/4 👍👍👍👍


I saw this on opening weekend and it HUGELY hyped. Some parts were cheesy even back then but overall it was fun. War of the Worlds is such an iconic story that other stories are bound to borrow from it. I don't think it was a remake but more of heavily influenced by.


I saw this in theaters. One of the handful of fond memories with my dad thanks to this movie.


hell yea a guilty pleasure of mine… saw it in late ‘98 when my dad bought the vhs tape. and have loved it since. will always remember and cherish the time my dad said (in spanish) “hey let’s watch this movie and i’ll let you have some popcorn.” scared the shit outta me. but then had a better understanding of sci-fi. the rest is history.


I saw "Independence Day" at the cinema with my mother when I was 11 years old and of course I was very impressed.
The effects were way ahead of their time and still look great today. 👍


I think this movie is so charming in its 90s cheese that it's infectious! I never thought of the War of the Worlds comparison until you mentioned it, but I can see the similarities. Also, the musical score is so lovely it adds to the charm. Great video, Minty!
