Irresistible Grace | TULIP Reformed Theology

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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for stopping by. I wanted to finish out my Reformed Theology TULIP series so here is Irresistible Grace for you.

There was much much more to say and more scriptures to include for this beautiful doctrine of grace but then it would've been a 30-minute video and I didn't want to put you through that.

I hope you enjoyed it if you are a saint of God. If you're a believer and always questioned how your salvation happened, know that God did it all. If He wants you, He will get you and accomplish your salvation no matter what, even if you rejected Jesus at one point in your life. Jesus IS the resurrection and the life and He is the one who breathes life into your spiritually dead soul. Praise Him forever!

The Gospel is the, "Good News." And this good news is that, for God so loved the world, He sent His only, begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. He died, was buried and was resurrected on the third day. Why is this good news? Because without Jesus, we stand as sinners before a holy and righteous God. We are under the wrath of God because all have fallen short of the glory of God and all have broken God's laws and deserve hell. Because of our sin we are separated from God. However, through His grace and mercy and great love for us, He sent Jesus to die on the cross at Calvary, to shed His blood, as a sacrifice to satisfy God's wrath for the sins of man. Because God is just and righteous, sin MUST be punished. And Jesus took upon Himself the sins of man and the wrath of God by dying for us so that we can be forgiven by God and be reconciled back to Him. Jesus died taking OUR punishment so that we could live and receive eternal life. So REPENT of your sins, ask for forgiveness, confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. We are saved by grace through faith and not by works so no man can boast. Grace is a gift of God. Believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior with all your heart and be born again in the Spirit and become a new creation in Christ!

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Have you ever thought what Jesus said concerning His word in John 6:63 “The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life.” Calvinist do not consider statements like these about Jesus’s words to have the power to enter the person and revive them spiritually when they believe them. Just as Abraham believed God, and Abraham could not have been regenerated for him to have believed at that time since redemption had not taken place, the same way we don’t have to have the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT type of faith to be revived. Dead in our sins does not mean unable to do anything good. Jesus said to the jews, “ you that are evil know how to give good things to your children” so even though we start dead spiritually, we still still choose good instead of bad. We have responsibility also to accept God’s offering of salvation. I do agree there are passages that speak as if God is doing all the choosing, but there are also many passages that talk about our responsibility to choose and believe, like Abraham did. Calvinist distort God’s word by not considering all the scriptures and trying to adapt other scriptures that seem to teach us on human’s responsibility, to their point of view. Why did Jesus said” Strive to enter through the narrow gate” why is Jesus saying this if everything depend on God? It just does not make sense. Obviously Jesus appeals to our will to accept something. The work of Christ on the cross has allowed the Father to start the process of regeneration on those who believe in the message, but we have to accept it. “Whoever comes to me in no way I will cast out”, another of Jesus’s sayings. So accept both scriptural views even though they may seem to contradict each other. God’s sovereignty and human’s responsibility, both are taught in the scriptures.


Hey Connie, thanks for your video. Great explanation of irresistible grace/effectual calling. When most people hear irresistible grace they think that it’s wrong because we can resist his grace and we do. But great job explaining it. I listened to your earlier videos a while back and I was glad to see this one. Keep pressing on! You’re doing great!


Hey Connie. I’ve really enjoyed watching your walk with Jesus. I just want you to be encouraged and stand strong. My husband and I watched you & your husband responding to people’s objections to Christianity and we have really appreciated it & share it with our family. God bless. I’m glad you are a sister in the Lord❤️💪🏼💯


Amen, thank you for this video, sister


Thank you Connie. I am fascinated by the irresistible grace. You probably have answered this. But what has always struck me was embodied by a story that I heard a Calvinist say to illustrate total depravity and thus irresistible grace. The story was dramatic but I will cut to the chase. His daughter was racing down the street in total disobedience. He reached out and grabbed her right before she was going to be smashed by a car. She was in total disobedience. She was in rebellion and only his choice to save her saved her. He then likened that to salvation, we are only saved because God has saved us. Someone sent this sermon to me. My question was: "Why didn't he talk about the stains on the road?" In other words the week before, was his son racing down the street and in his sovereignty did he decide to just let him be smashed, his skull crushed, blood everywhere. Was he asked: Why didn't you save him, his answer was: "I didn't choose to." I could have, I just didn't choose to elect him. So he was killed even though I could have saved him. Of course he said no such thing. He wouldn't choose to have his son crushed. If I understand the position, God can save anyone He wants, no one can "receive" God of any choice, so some He saves because He wants to, and others He chooses to roast in hell because He doesn't feel like saving them. He doesn't "will that none would perish, " in fact He does will some perish, that is why He doesn't choose to save though he could. Am I understanding this correctly? What other conclusion can you draw.


HI Connie, can you explain to me how did Abraham believed God even though the Holy Spirit was not given? Was he dead in trespasses and sins and unable to respond to God however he believed God, how can you explain the Calvinistic idea that we cannot respond to God unless changed in the case of Abraham?


I applaud the fact that you are searching the scriptures. I hope your depression is taken care of. There are physical problems that don’t have anything to do with your faith. God is there even though we do not perceive Him, keep your faith, the fruit will come at the right time.


Haven't seen you in a while Connie, hope you and your family are well, stay strong in the Lord, God bless you!


"Do you see that man is justified by means, and not by faith alone?" James 2:24


Interesting, thank you for sharing :) God will finish the work He has started in you.


Disagree here. God didn't create robots. He wanted people who CHOOSE to love him despite of their sinful nature.


Mrs. Connie K. Yom, you have a beautiful Spirit, you are valuable and I appreciate what you are doing. May you please do a spirit filled teaching on the Holy Spirit. It is a wonder to hear, what the Spirit will declared to the churches. You are beloved thank you!!!


Be very careful with saved by works.
it only an attempt to save the sin nature which is condemned while your spirit is new.
for by grace ye are saved not through


you will be refreshed to know that I also am a Calvinist. so glad that you have the courage and the strength of character to share this despite the opposition. I have been wanting to share this for so long but I am not strong to deal with the hate and ugliness that comes from people claiming to be Christians without telling them where they can shove it.


I used to think like you for 15 years...until I was humbled in life and came to know the original Faith. The Eastern Catholic Orthodox Church. Now I see how wrong this heresy is and how the reformation went away from the historical and original church due to the western Roman Catholic Church doing the same in the Great Schism of 1054 which I was raised in. I completely understand the reformation and the mindset, but it’s not the interpretation of the historical Church which God used to give us the New Testament and it’s interpretation. I was clueless and ignorant about Church history. We have to go back to the book of Acts and and continue from there. The Church did not end there. It continues to exist today and holds the original teachings and practices that were developed since the Book of Acts. It’s not an invisible church. It’s a literal and visible manifestation of the Body of Christ which has never disappeared. “The gates of hell have not prevailed against it.”
There is a lot of scripture quoted but the reformed Calvinistic interpretation is wrong. There was already an interpretation that preceded the reformed view for 1600 years which the Holy Spirit gave us and is still upheld to this day.
It’s like saying the 4 year old great great great great great great grandchild knows more than their grandparents. Pretty silly to believe the 4 year old.
I hope and pray everyone who reads this comes to know the Father Son and Holy Spirit even deeper than they know him now and truly repents and continues to do so until Jesus Christ returns or until we die.
Please look at the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Many Protestants and Roman Catholics even reformed Protestants are repenting and becoming part of the true and full Body of Christ which has existed since the beginning of its creation in the 1st century.
Glory to God!
That was my simple way of trying to explain how I came to know the how the reformed view is wrong. I am not a scholar or Theologian, just a simple carpenter.
Here is a lecture by a someone who is way more knowledgeable about this whole issue than me. It’s totally worth viewing.


Connie, why are you and others limiting God's love! In the Bible it states in 1 Timothy 2:3-4 "This is good and pleasing to God our savior, who wills everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." God gave each of us free will. While he give us Baptism and the other Sacraments (where graces are received) to help us make the correct choices, these Sacraments (where graces are received) do not force a person to do good or to avoid sin.


Oh wow... that sense, that feeling you spoke of at the very end ma'am is exactly what I was talking with one of my customers today about. The exact same thing... wow. The day grows nigh.


So, if I disagree with Calvinism, isn’t it because God elected for me to think that way? I only disagree with you because God made me right??


Bless you our beautiful sister we are warriors!


Thanks for sharing :-) Lots of  people agree and yet also disagree on slightly subtle things regarding this topic :-) Love your channel and stay encouraged :-) God bless you !!!
