Irresistible Grace: You're Going To Heaven, And That's Final!

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Irresistible grace or efficacious grace is the Reformed understanding that it is the Holy Spirit that applies salvation through the inward call of the gospel to those whom the Father has chosen and the Son has died. TULIP is the response to the 5 points of the Arminian remonstrance. I have one more to do then back to the business of sermon critiques and exposing strange fire Christianity.
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I willed to believe for almost 8 years, but only as a false believer. After I was broken of all hope, despair, effort, and self; in a moment when I expected Jesus not, then He came. Spiritual birth is the most surprising moment I've ever experienced. I know for a fact I had zero will in it, but rather Christ's will saved me, and being adopted into His will my new will is free yet simultaneously captive to this freedom. To say that those who are not in Christ have freedom, and to suggest that freedom only exists if we are free beside Christ, such entirely misses the fact that freedom exists only in Christ and does not exist beside Christ.

We don't choose to be born of body; we are born by grace, but according to Ralph's argument bodily birth is also unfair and so must be according to our own personal will. It's clear why Jesus told Nicodemus we must be born from above of water and Spirit.

In Luke chapter 17 we see that the Kingdom is within, not outwardly observable, much like being born of Spirit is invisible as the wind. [John 3: 1-8]

Luke 17: 20-21
"And when He was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, He answered them and said, The Kingdom Of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the Kingdom Of God is within you."

We see the Kingdom is even within unregenerate unbelievers. Thus God reigns supreme in the inwardness of each and everyone; either to inward blessing or inward curses. From Luke 17: 22 all the way through Luke 18: 14 Jesus tells the disciples this will be like in the days of Noah, how two will be and one will be removed, etc, then He tells a few parables. All of this is within the individual; this is the context which these things are taught in.

Now we know at Judgement Day everyone will know the Truth. We know death and hell are for flesh and sin; so death is defeated and swallowed up in victory. Death was defeated on The Cross; death is already in deceat now 😄. Therefor we are freed from fear of death. Where is deaths sting? Only in sin. In context of Salvation as The Good News, with the Kingdom within, we see how Truth (Christ) divides even soul from Spirit. [Hebrews 2: 14-15] [1 Corinthians 22-58] [Hebrews 4: 12]

Once, within my body and conciousness, a sinner and many demons dwelled, as is true of every unregenerate person. But my body and consciousness were handed over unto others, to myself-in-Christ, to Christ Himself, and to His angels 😄. This is what is being taught in the parable of the wicked husbandmen at the vineyard [Marke 12: 1-12]

Mark 12: 7-9
"But those husbandmen said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours. And they took him, and killed, and cast out of the vineyard. What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others."

This parable is spoken against all who are not yet regenerated, hence why the Pharasees were wroth to kill Jesus. Yet Christ's parables are only fully understood by the regenerated true believers. [Mathew 13: 10-17]

1 Corinthians 15: 22-26
"For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming, then the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed: death."

We see in this list that all are made alive, first Christ, then those who are His at His coming, then the end when the Kingdom is delivered and death's defeat is finalized 😄.

Universalism is any application of a belief system which is said to effect every human. Christ's Judgement is universal regardless the outcome. I know the True Gospel is called universalism today, yet fear is a false gospel altogether. The Gospel is truely 100% Good News and Christ is 100% Salvation and Victory. Some may need to ask themselves: what is the great apostasy of our time? I declare such is the false gospel of fear, and so how terrible great it is.

Much love ♥️.


Guess it was heresy when Jesus overwhelmed Paul's will on the road to Damascus and caused him to believe in and love the Christ he once hated.


Frank, glad I'm not the only Christian who appreciates musicianship. I sure hope Frank underwent a transformation in his life, before he passed.


Thanks for this video series. This is tough doctrine for a lot of Christians to hear. You do a great job of outlining the beautiful truths in the Word of God.


Your friends story reminds me so much of my story. My best friend has also lost his mind. I don't understand how mental health is tied to owns spiritual state, but I pray for him whenever I see him. I understand that pain. Thank your friend for me for his testimony. God bless you brother.


Tremendous testimony from your atheist friend. Thanks for sharing that Bezel.


literally everything that Arminian preacher said could oh so easily be refuted by Scripture.


Nice testimony. Sadly I don't have such a story of returning to the Lord like most people.
My story is that I pondered why everyone else prayed and if it worked, and so I had turned to Him. And then I got into trouble because of school things and was contemplating suicide at 6 because of how depressed I was becoming. Clutched the cross as tight as I could, and the Lord blessed me to clutch tighter. And then one day I was comforted by the Holy Spirit, and even heard something back. Then I knew why my family had faith, for I did my best to believe and ignore the doubt, and God blessed me with a hearing of His voice.

Not nearly as good a story. I basically always clung to the Lord, after all. There wasn't some massive change one day brought a out by the Holy Spirit because it already had started and I was just a slow grower.
Actually, I DID pray for size and strength, because I liked Samson a lot, and I am the healthiest man in the immediate family, but not the tallest yet. I certainly am stronger than the other two now, so I believe the prayer was being answered from way back when I first started. So I guess it was just I wanted to hear the voice of God like the Apostles and Prophets did. Hey, heard it at least twice. I can die happy knowing with no doubts in whom I believe: the best Dad you could ever ask for!


Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here. – Zech. 3:7


Boy, I can't wait till the time of the gentiles is over! So the husband can come for His bride (Israel).


I love hearing testimonies! Thank you!


I don’t think Ralph was denying Gods grace, he was denying the The I in tulip, Irresistible grace.


Oh How I love it when a subject like this stirs up all the hornets in the nest. Just sit back and watch how all those mindless creatures simply sting each other each with the venom of their own theology without actually listening to he truth of what scripture says. We create God in our own image?? At our PERIL!! Loving it :)


Just 1 minute into the video and you already misquoted the guy. He doesn't call God's saving grace a heresy, like you said, he calls the calvinistic "irresistable grace" a heresy. HUGE DIFFERENCE!


What's the intro song? It sounds rockin'


To me, all this Calvinism doctrine just causes confusion. All we should be concerned with is fulfilling Jesus' call to preach the gospel. Why must we be concerned with this Calvinism vs Armeneism stuff? This and other videos I have watched just causes confusion.


Brother maybe you should lay some thumb tacks down on the desk in front of the microphone so you'll stop banging your hands and making the mic thump. Love your videos very much and I appreciate all the work you do.


God chose Noah and his family for salvation and destroyed the rest. God chose to save Lot and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Paul states some pots are created for honor, and others for dishonor (and all that term entails, but the author chose not speak of).

The "pastor" obviously does not understand Scripture, confusing his vain imagination and arrogance for religious truth.


You brought up Deu 29 and how they were unregenerate.

So how is it that they followed God and were faithful all of their days?


Seems some verses are taken out of context here, for instance --
Genesis 6:5 — And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Is this not speaking of the people in that time, and this being the primary reason for the flood judgement, having gotten that wicked. Yet you seem to be applying it to all people at all times through history.
We have to be really careful with context, otherwise we risk an eisegesis thinking it supports our contention.
