Irresistible Grace | TULIP #4 | Rev. Tim Nicholls | But Servants

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Is faith in Christ something we choose on our own, or is it a gift that God gives? How we answer this question will deeply shape how we seek to grow the church and share our faith. Join us for the fourth sermon in our series on God’s Sovereign Grace as we examine the “I” in TULIP: Irresistible Grace. We’ll explore how God graciously draws us to himself, granting new birth by His Holy Spirit to all whom He has chosen. We will see that coming to faith doesn’t depend on us but on God’s transforming grace, which is of great encouragement as we share the good news of Jesus.

This sermon was preached at Cross & Crown, Penang on 15th September 2024.

Gospel-centred resources, God gives the growth.
We are but servants, God gets the glory.
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