CHILDFREE WOMEN: Top 10 Reasons to NOT date a Single Dad!

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Single dads love to target child free women but at the same time are delusional about the baggage they bring to a new relationship. I’m a single childfree woman, who’s worked hard to be financially stable and I won’t allow a single dad to disrupt my life. A lot of single dads with small children aren’t mentally fit to be in the dating scene. The entitlement of single dads towards single women is crazy. Why would single women give up their goals and dreams for that drama ? I make no apologies not dating single dads and my life is better for it. I would rather travel and spoil myself 😂


I was the kid in this scenario and he dumped us on the women he dated( after our mum left him). They were nothing more than cheap babysitters, they also treated us badly when he wasnt there and acted sweet when he was. That experience alone makes men with kids( if i was dating) no go zones!!


Single mom here, don't date a man who can not visit or see his children. He may have anger issues or was abusive to his ex wife or ex girlfriend and now playing victim. Do your research on any potential dating mate, women and men.


Single dads tend to be way more entitled than single moms. I’m a teacher so they tend to target me as free homework help and free counseling. I want my own kids but still find your channel interesting


As a childless woman I had no interest in men with children to begin with is because I want to start my own fam with someone who has no children. People want a clean slate.


Partners or friends with small kids are unbearable. I used to be friends with a couple who had one small child, omg, the activities and routines I had to take part in in order to spend time with those friends... I am so relieved to not have to deal with that anymore. For me, spending time with children is so boring & tiring at the same time.


I dated and eventually lived with a single dad. Wound up being the cook, housekeeper, nanny, all while employed full time and paying the bills. I didn’t put up with it for long.
This is a really good list.


Reasons to never date a single dad: I’m not a stepmom nor will I ever be one, I don’t want to bare Your child/children’s responsibilities, I don’t want anything to do with your baby mama (crazy or not) 🥴 and I don’t want our quality time to be ruined by seeing about your kids.


I fully agree. Child free people should only date other child free. Less stressful that way


If you are not ok with being number 2, or even number 3 in his life after the kid AND the mother of his kid, do NOT date a single father. Nope!


A lot of them are bitter and he will project it on you and trauma dump


I think for me, one of the reasons I reconsidered dating a single Dad is because of financial reasons. My older sister was the bread winner in her marriage and she still had to pay her significant other's child support. So ladies who are the breadwinners in your relationship you may want to reconsider depending on the man's finances.


I have a long distance friend who works two jobs, a corporate job and a side job. When he is not doing that, he is with his son at a basketball practice or something. Talk about feeling like a complete after thought. I remember he was at a medical appointment and I was concerned and told him to follow up with me afterwards. A lot of time had passed and I heard nothing and I began to worry. By the time he’d gotten back to me, he explained how he had a negative conversation with his son’s mom and just wasn’t in the mood to have another conversation. YET, there I was waiting to hear if he was ok. That shit really turned me off. Oh and not to mention, every damn plan centers around if his kid has sports practice or a game or whatever. UGHHH!


You hit the nail on the head HEAVILY as a child free woman who vowed to not date people with children very early on but because everyone was telling me I was being “quick to judge” I tried it out at the ripe age of 21 or 22 (I don’t remember exactly) and about 8/10 of these issues occurred, and the one that hurt the most was getting attached to the child and having to let go and I was like HELL NO, NEVER AGAIN😂! But hey, at least I can say I tried 😂🤷🏾‍♀️ I’m never letting anyone else GUILT me into dating someone with children again, people still try, but at my big age I’m not easily swayed! That was the first and hopefully the last time for me!


My reasons for not dating single dads are simple but you’ve added to it even more 😂 never in life. If you’re dealing with me you don’t have time for another family


I have one child and dated a guy with 3 children. I had to deal with baby momma drama, his family in our business. His kid's would also dirty my house immediately when they came over to stay. I was also babysitting on my day's off. It's not worth it.


He’ll expect you to be his free counsellor

Less resources to work with & or keep

I’ve had my season of single dads. They are truly the worst. Not ever again lol thank goodness I don’t date anymore.


It's the baby mamma for me. The children maybe blameless, and the mothers need not be bad people, but you will always have that person inserted into your situation. And that is as it should be: kid's needs come first, but if that's not my kid I don't need to be dealing with all that.


Nope. I dated a widower with a young child BUT his mother was in the picture because she lived in his house to “help” him take care of his son. His wife had died when the child was very little.

His mother was all up in that relationship! It was the worst! She was very judgmental and speculative. I didn’t have a child at the time, so I was living my best single life.

I would suggest a child-free single person to be weary of dating a widower with kids.


I dated a few men with kids when I was in my 20s. I was celibate throughout my 30s. I'll be 42 next month and am now dating a 28-y-o with no kids. Used to be young and dumb, now I'm not as young and not as dumb 😂 I still look young, tho 😏 that's the CF effect.
