Pinion drop massive bombshell - Integrated EMTB Gearbox & Motor

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Pinion's new Motor Gearbox unit ditches the traditional derailleur, cassette and chain. Virtually maintenance free, electronic shifting, auto shift, even when stationary, this is a stunning piece of tech!

Eurobike 2023.
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Now this is the revolution I was waiting for. No more bent or torn off derailleurs, no more chain and cassette cleaning after a muddy ride, no more chain lubing and fussing over drivetrain service and finally possibility to shift under load with a gearbox. We need this on all ebikes, it's high time to say goodbye cassette!


Been riding a Pinion 12 speed [P-12} with belt drive for over a year now. Fat tires in snow and on ice in winter. Med tires on mud, gravel, and rock in summers. It works flawlessly. I NEVER have to look at the chain to see if it needs maintenance. It's such a relief that every ride, I can just finger check tire pressure and brake sensitivity and go. This system will be even better when I'm a bit older and possibly in need of battery/motor assist. Wish it would fit in place of the C-12 on my current frame, but that's a minor point for such a well-designed product. Thanks.


This is some awesome tech, game changing even!
I'd like to comment specifically on the belt: I have a Pinion Gearbox on my hardtail MTB with a Gates Carbon belt. I also have a single speed MTB with a Gates belt, and they have both been great. The belts last about 3 times as long as a chain. They are built to automotive standards. However, the fibers are arranged to be strong lengthwise, not necessarily widthwise. So when handling the belts, you need to be somewhat careful with them. Folding them, prying them into place, twisting them while in place, or banging them into rocks can potentially damage or weaken them.
Also, in dryer climates they do start to squeak a bit and need to be sprayed with silicone lubricant after about every 50 miles or so. Pouring water on it stops it for a few miles, but the silicone spray really helps. You do not need to clean the belt before spraying it, a dusting of material along with the spray seems to be helpful out here in the desert. Take care of your belt and it will take care of you!


This is a paradigm shift in the evolution of ebikes.


I have been waiting 5yrs to see this, I always wanted a gearbox bike, and also wanted an ebike I thought it'd be great to see them mashed together, it's finally here!


As someone who has been riding bikes for 54 years I never thought I'd see something like this. Our kids are really going to be in a better world which makes me feel so much better. Good job Pinion!


So exciting! Congrats again to Pinion for this world first innovation and we're looking forward to a strong partnership! 🤩


I love it when a company both listens to what their customers want and leads them based on the possibilities that the technology can bring. I love super lightweight road bikes but I also love exploring rugged countryside.


This is more than amazing. First time in my life I'm considering changing a bike because of technology upgrade. Wow.


The most innovative product to hit MTB in decades. I really want an ebike with this!


That's possibly the best advert for an e-bike motor I've ever watched. The revolution we've been waiting for. I hope to see it on a commuter bike soon!


This is a game changer! 💪💪💪This makes more sense than traditional drivetrain. I can't wait for more companies to build their ebikes around this system.


So excited for this! I’ve used and loved Pinion’s gearbox before, and I always thought that integrating an electric motor would be perfect.

I can’t emphasise enough, just how much better the rear suspension performs with the cassette and derailleur removed👌


Delighted for Pinion... superb, always been totally behind this technology 100%. I've been wanting this to happen for many, many years and to retire the antiquated derailleur technology which has served the cycle industry well for many decades but is being kept artificially alive. Hopefully this will be the next big leap forward in not just EMTB motors but the cycle gearing industry overall by developing new gearboxes, we have had several enclosed units over the years but this new impetus could help revolutionize the cycle industry.👍


having everything combined in one unit is great for countless reasons….when something does go wrong, the complexity of repairs is greater, however. Beyond many cyclists ability. But if it’s as durable and trouble free as advertised, I’d like to try one out. cheers from northern Canada!


If this is reliable it’ll be game changing. Kudos to the pinion team, pioneering. Now we just need bike manufacturers to agree to a universal motor and battery mount so we can put whatever motor we want in their frames 🙌


Finally some real innovation and problem solving from the bike industry. This gearbox was pretty niche for analog bikes but makes total sense combined with an ebike motor. Good job Pinion!


This is incredible. Never thought I’d be this excited about a new motor. This is a very real revolution in the industry, and the competing companies better have their engineers on competing with this right now.


This is so exciting, I can’t wait to try the next generation of eMTB 😍


This is amazing actually. Only issue is going to be the pricing. Pinion has a massive advantage on this one and bike manufacturers are going to ask for a premium.
