How to know when to let go

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"The universe will do for you what you cannot do for yourself." - I just love that, Gabby!


the universe is perfect because this message is in perfect timing....thank you!


This is useful information every day but man, your timing is golden for me right now.


There is quote I really like 'stop letting it bother you, just let it go'. And sometimes it can be tough, but necessary. We must hear the signs the Universe sends us.. Great video once again! Love from Brazil!


I love how real you are. I think we need to "let go" of trying to control the outcome (I know I do!) and let the universe do what it does best-bring us to our highest self. As always, thank you for your inspiration and guidance 🙏


I was in a very toxic controlling relationship for over 2 years. I got sick recently and I was alone that was the most eye opening experience I had it years. One day I finally woke up and the rose color glasses came off that was blinding me for so many years. I let go and never looked back. I have so much more inner peacefulness. As each day progress I feel so much lighter I haven't felt like this in years. My prayers have been answered. I am starting to see so many more blessing coming and I am open to receive them. Thanks Gabby


wow these videos always seem to be just what i need to hear! thanks Gabby


I really needed to hear this message today - and here you are! Much love to you, Gabby! I just adore you!


7 years ago, yet, still timely. ✨ Thanks much 🙂


I am so happy for you and this family member. I rejoice with you in this miracle of reconciliation. Hugs.



Literally why I didn't get to know you few years back in my life...🌛
But I am greatful for my awakening and all the great souls I am aligning with 😇😇🙏
I am greatful for whatever I am learning through my journey & being on this Spiritual path 💛🌠
It's never too late 🐣 Everything comes to you in perfect timing 🌟💛🙏
Thankyou lovely soul 💛
Thankyou Universe 🌠🙏


I love this. The universe will help you release the things that no longer serve you; and it'll show up in ways as signs, itll come through to you in the form of thought, and than you'll receive h to back it up. if its arising in your field than acknowledge this, honor this, and be present with this feeling. Than bathe in this presence knowing that the universe will take this load from you; the universe has your back. xoxo


This was a great video, short and sweet but so powerful. Love and Light


You are quickly becoming my YouTube favorite !!! Great info!! Thank you so much 🙏💓🙏


Thank you. This really resonates with me in relation to a family member. I will set my intention and pray for a resolution


Battling an addiction and it gets triggered by not being engaged in PASSION, and not talking a physical intimacy. Striving or have a purpose is key for me. When you get sidelined or restructuring takes place…..just rough


Perfect timing. I'll do this right away. Thank you for sharing!


gabyy i adore you but i want more and more videos from you you make me vibe the soul and power thank you


It may not be released how I expect, or in the time I expect... True words and i knew I had to watch this video. I know ultimately it would be best to let a few things go in my life, but that ego hold is really strong. Even having people (close friends/family/acquaintances) tell me to let things go is borderline offensive, and I tell them "well, you don't know the entire situation." maybe I am addicted to feelings and adrenaline associated with key situations in my life. The addiction creates a pattern; needing the adrenaline more i subconsciously seek out situations to get a fix. Punctuality an issue at work? I needed a fix. Crushing on someone so hard that it hurts? Major fix 24/7. I am legit living on adrenaline now that I've "fallen" for someone who not only lives an hour away, causes random arguments by flip flopping their stance on situations, and in general has some "growing up" to do...but we've hooked up six times. I told myself physical attraction is separate from romantic, but very quickly (the day after we're together) I struggle to keep a positive outlook. He has called me out for liking him, and gave me false hope that maybe it would work. I want to be monthly "f*ck buddies" seeing as he lives an hour away, and I would rather hook up with someone i know and am cool with. First he says ok, then no, then maybe. We always end up hooking up and having a great time hanging out for a few hours. Tired of one night stands. He says its better to have sex with a one night stand than a friend with benefits. Then you know its purely sexual or something? Still we end up meeting up. I can't let go. Why?!?! I still feel like it could work out romantically in 6 months to a year. Things are hectic in our lives more than usual. Give it time before I let it go? I just don't know what to do. I am going insane in the meantime. And its been six days since we hung out. Texting daily back and forth. Really losing it here. Sigh. I needed to get this out! Time to sleep and forget this until I am awake.


Dear Gabby, thank you for your wonderful blogs. Your wanderlust speakeasy ‘Miracles Now’ moved me to tears. I love hear you chanting the beautiful mantra. I watch it eavery morning and sing with you to come in my flow and higher vibration. I really love your Christal necklage. Can you tel me what christal that is. Probably a clear christal. But I have never seen such a beautiful shape. Hopefully I can find one in Holland. Namasté Barbara
