How to Know When to Leave Your Job (Quit Your Job)

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In today’s video, I’m going to talk about 5 key signs to know when you need to leave your company/job and move on to something else. If you’ve been getting an internal nudge within you that you might want to be leaving your current job and that it’s time to look elsewhere, you likely might be right. But just to be SURE that you’re at a point where it’s the RIGHT time to leave this job you’re in, here are 5 signs to look out for. If you've been asking "how to leave your job", "how to know when to quit your job", "how to know when to leave your job" then this video is for you.




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Have you been getting a feeling that it might be time to leave your current job and find a new one? Let me know your experiences below!


Reason #1: you’re watching this video!


If you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders just by thinking about quitting, it's time to leave that job.


She helped me to get my 1st job, then now she's helping me in quitting my 1st job


you leave when you no longer feel the support or respect from your management...your gut will tell you...


When some people around me at my office disrespect my value and blindly don't appreciate my work and skills, it's time to quit. It's not the job that i hate, but the people i work with...


I knew I had to leave my last job for two reasons: 1. I dreaded going to work each morning. 2. Everytime I came home, I always nagged to my wife about the day.


Every day your sick to your stomach knowing you have to return to your place of employment. I stayed too long. One day I got up from my desk and left for good. I am now unemployed but feel so much better. When I do return to work I will quit if it is in an unhealthy environment. The money is not worth the misery of being packed in like cattle.


1. You're not learning anything new
2. You regularly feel drained
3. You've been in this job for a good couple of time
4. You know what your next job looks like and it ain't here
5. You just feel ready to leave


Yes I'm a "job hopper" not because I want to be! I would love to find a job I'm happy with and don't mind staying at for several years. But all of the jobs I have had just make me miserable! I can only take being miserable for so long.. I put in my two weeks today at my current job bc the stress and anxiety has just gotten too much for me. I even developed a drinking problem to cope with the stress... idk if anyone's gonna read this but please just pray for me or send good vibes. Life is hard 😩


I loved your comment: if I am not happy with the work I do, then I am not happy. Period. Totally me. Tomorrow i start a new job. Such peace of mind I have.


When you’re working with other women who are competitive and manipulative.... when you do your very best but you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.... just get out and find something worth your time and energy.


When your boss no longer respects you, or your accomplishments, Talks behind your back etc... I'm putting in my resignation hopefully by the end of the week. Think my plan B (at the competitors) is just about lined up and I can hardly wait to start a new chapter.


Actually, it's okay to run away from a position. You don't need to stay until securing another job. It's not always a bad move.


My advice to anyone contemplating leaving their job is as follows when your “done“ it’s time to go! At my previous job I went through all sorts of emotions from pigeonholed, sadness, despair, anger, emptiness, boredom, destitute, misery, etc., etc., etc. Then one day I woke up and just said to myself “I’m done with this place“ and began my exit. Two months later I left that place and started working a job where things were MUCH better for me! I’m happier, full of life, there’s opportunities for me for advancement and I look forward to going to work now.

So remember, you may go through several emotions if your job is not doing you right and you feel like there is no opportunities there but when you’re done, you’re done! That is when it’s time to leave.


When you feel a new season is beginning


When I’m currently working I have only had 1 coaching from my boss and it was an interaction with HR. He was requesting for me to do all my tasks faster so he can load more tasks into my list. That’s the only interaction and feedback I’ve had so far. Feeling dread every morning to know you have to work in a place you don’t like is awful, even worse when you start to get sick from stress.


-Your boss makes no bones about how “replaceable” you and other employees are.
-Your boss is cheap, limiting your resources and/or salaries yet keeping their own pricey overhead
-You have to pick up ANY slack, and frequently
-You find excuses not to go in to work
-Your concerns, ideas, suggestions, skills, qualifications, and accomplishments are trivialized/ignored


I’m tired of living paycheck to paycheck it’s time for me to goooo. I feel so sick when I’m at work. The company always have so many new rules for such a low paying job.


I've been working on my first job after graduation for about 5 months. I'm consistently underperformed in every area of my job scope. I tried hard to improve the circumstances and my leader had been helpful all the time, though the improvement is minimal if not stagnant. Reasons could be lack of competency and personality unfit. Burnout, anxiety and depression haunt me for months. I feel suffocated.
