Don't Clean throttle body before watching this/Cleaning cable controlled or Electrical Throttle body

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In todays video i will show how to clean throttle body weather if its cable controlled or electrical
so Don't Clean throttle body before watching this, there are some things you should know before cleaning that way you don't damage your car and cost you more for repairing

Steps for gunk Cleaning cable controlled or Electrical Throttle body
---So for cleaning cable Controlled Throttle body, after i removed throttle body hose and spray CRC throttle cleaner with plate closed and then open the plate and spray the cleaner again, then wipe it with paper towel
after 5 minutes put the throttle hose back

--So for cleaning Electrical Throttle body, after removing throttle body hose, spray CRC throttle cleaner with plate closed and then put the key on (ON) position, ask someone to hold the gas paddle and spray the cleaner again, then wipe it with paper towel
release the gas paddle
after 5 minutes put the throttle hose back

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To the point, no fishy glamour, no waste of time, simple and excellent information 🎉👍


If you came to the comments for the reviews, this a 100 stars review, no time wasted and both ways shown thanks


As an auto tech myself, opening the throttle valve with the key in 2nd and using the acceleration pedal is the smart method. Thank you for showing people the correct way to do it.


This method is good when throttle body is slightly dirty. But if it’s too dirty better to open it and then clean from inner side too. Secondly never spray directly inside the throttle body when it’s attached all the dirt goes into intake. Better to apply spray on clean cloth and then clean it. That’s how i clean electric throttle of my cars.


You dont waste a minute of anyones time. Every video should be like this.


I have a 2010 WV beetle with a 2.5 automatic. I noticed recently more hesitation while shifting. I followed your technique of using in my case a piece of wood to keep the throttle plate open. Its interesting how clean it looked from the outside, but after the seafoam spray it was like black ⚫️ tar coming from it. I felt resistance against the motor (buzzing noice) once I bumped the throttle plate. I was able to lightly brush the plate. After about 10 minutes of cleaning, i started the car up. Quicker starting, quieter idling, and consistently better shifting. Thats just from driving down my street. Thank you sir for your help. Eveything i needed was already home for some time so basically it was free maintenance.


Paper towel leaves lint, use a clean microfiber cloth for better results. Good video


Thanks for sharing your video on cleaning throttle bodies. As a throttle body manufacturer, we appreciate your thorough steps for both cable-controlled and electronic throttle bodies. It's important to properly clean your throttle body to avoid damage to your car and expensive repairs. We'll be sure to recommend your video to our customers for proper maintenance.👍


Best throttle body cleaning video on YT. Only one I found describing how to safely and properly clean the electronic TB and neat tip with torque wrench.


My dealership charges $89 for this service so watched this video and did it for a few pennies that the clear costs.


Had my throttle body off when I replaced the coolant bypass hose on my 2005 Tacoma and cleaned it I moved the throttle plate by hand very slowly and cleaned it no damage what so ever and that was 2 years ago still running great


Good points! Today I cleaned my electrical throttle body with Gumout cleaner, my ignition is a push start and I don't have the option to leave it open the way you did with the long rod. Yes I did get the engine light, but after cleaning and spraying into the throttle body little at the time while revving the engine afterwards the Kia Niro accelerated like a champ, I almost could not feel it and small hills became easier to climb and I could feel the air going through very well with a roar. I also did have a 16OZ B12 Chemtrol cleaner for the fuel. Now I will be clearing the engine light soon.


A little add up:
-if you won't let it to dry, car may be hard to start for the first time because of fumes of cleaner left in the intake
-if you have modern throttle position sensor it may need some time for ECU to readjust after cleaning. So it will be good if you replace ECU fuse before start cleaning and put it back after you reassemble all the parts.


My 2007 ford edge 3.5, 210 000km was so sludged up on both sides. I bought the same cleaner at lordco. I removed the throttlebody and brang it inside my house and cleaned both sides and edges. It Idles so good now.


Mine was a little dirtier lol. Ended having to use a toothbrush and microfiber towel. After a couple passes it was nice and clean again 👌🏻


Excellent! Great camera work and step-by-step instructions. Thank you!


Go to any Chevy parts dealer they sell stuff called top engine cleaner, it’s the best hands down. A couple drops of this on a microfiber rag and your throttle body and butterfly are golden. Also clean the IAC Valve and MAF Sensor while you are at it using Sensor Cleaner.


Good video. Make sure to clean the Idle Air Control (IAC) valve while you’re in there. Same steps as shown but you’ll need brushes to scrub the housing, valve pintle, and spring.


I always remove the throttle when cleaning them. Maybe this is short cut but i want it cleaned well on thw other side too and not riak of having the dirt and grime going to the intake manifold.


Now that is a smart way to clean the throttle body. I've seen people doing it other ways and then have to relearn the throttle idle control. This was EXTREMELY informative.
