Transform Your Health with Cold Showers – Dr. Berg's Guide to Cold Showers

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Cold showers can have some incredible health benefits—find out why you should be taking cold showers daily.

0:00 Introduction: What happens after 14 days of cold showers
0:50 The ten benefits of taking cold showers
8:05 How to ease into cold showers
9:00 Key takeaways
10:22 Thanks for watching

In this video, we’re going to talk about cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy—and what happens to you after 14 days of taking cold showers.

Take a look at these ten incredible benefits of taking cold showers.

1. Enhances immune system function
• Increases monocytes
• Increases Lymphocytes
• Increases T-helper cells
• Increases T-suppressor cells

2. Promotes noradrenaline
• Increases mood
• Supports alertness
• Helps reduce the risk of depression
• Improves focus

3. Supports weight loss by triggering brown fat
• Increases metabolism
• Increases Energy
• Decreases weight
• 100g of brown fat can burn 3400 calories per day

4. Increases insulin sensitivity

5. Reduces inflammation

6. Boosts antioxidants

7. Has neuroprotective effects

8. Improves longevity and promotes autophagy

9. Lowers cortisol

10. Supports fast recovery

How to ease yourself into taking cold showers:
1. Start with your normal hot shower
2. Turn it to cold for 30 seconds
3. Turn it back to hot
4. Gradually increase the time you set it to cold until you can reach 5-10 minutes

Interestingly, cold temperatures can warm up your core temperatures, while hot temperatures can cool down your core temperature.

Try taking cold showers for 14 days and see if you experience some of these amazing health benefits.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching. I hope this helped explain the benefits of cold showers and cryotherapy. I’ll see you in the next video.
Рекомендации по теме

I took a cold shower once and it does help your memory. It was years ago and I can still remember how cold it was. 😂


Took my first cold shower ever and let me tell you, it was not easy! But after the shower you will feel so calm and happy. I will definitely continue this.


I started working out recently in the mornings, by the time I get home I'm still hot and sweating so I take cold showers to cool off. The feeling of a good workout and a cold shower combined is one of the greatest feelings. I'm awake, more alert, energetic and in a better mood throughout the day.


I started taking cold daily shower a week ago. It benefited me in the following ways:

1. WillPower - Forcing yourself something you don’t want to do increases your mental strength
2. Energizes you - I’m always surprised how I feel really tired, but then I have all the energy I need right after cold shower
3. Save time - I typically spend less than 2-4 minutes in shower
4. Save energy - no need to run bathroom fan because there is no steam
5. Bathroom mirror won’t fog


I am almost 50 pounds down with Cold Showers, Intermittent Fasting, and No Sugar! Thank you Dr. Berg :)


Cold bath effect:
Cold resistance 30%
Inflammation recovery 20%
Mental damage resistance 50%
Status ailment resistance 20%
Healthy buff


It’s been a year now since we’ve been doing cold water immersion. One of the benefits that doesn’t get talked about a lot, but we were discussing the other day, is the mental benefit of making yourself do something that you really don’t want to do. I think there is great carry over to living life in getting better at doing uncomfortable things.


I have been taking cold showers everyday for the past 2 weeks and I can tell you my experiences. The first 10 seconds kinda takes your breath away and then you get really used to it and it feels amazing! It makes your hair smooth and your body smooth and the rest of the day you feel really energetic and wanna do things! I would definitely recommend!!!


Cold showers saved my life. Everytime I feel suicidal or depressed I take a cold shower and all the dark thoughts dissapear. I feel great rest of the day and I sleep like a baby.


I can answer some questions in the comment secton below. I've been depressed since I was 17, now I'm 32.
My depression did not go away but cold showers gives me a 100 x better antidepressive effect than any pills. I've tried atleast 20 different medications and nothing really works.
Why I feel suicidal is because i can't feel anything, I'm catatonic and the only way out is death in my mind.
Instead of lying in the bed and feeling sorry for myself I ALWAYS promise myself to take a cold shower. Why? Because when that cold water pours over me and I can feel every cell in my body then I know I'm alive. The effect maybe only last 4 hours in worst case but it usually lasts the whole day. It's the best technique I've discoverd. Combined with the wim hof method it's a life saver. My showers last between 2-5 minutes, I live in an old house in Sweden so the showers during winter time are brutal.


Been taking cold showers everyday for about a year. I can attest to the benefits. I don’t really feel the cold harshly at all anymore. And winter outside is more comfortable.


I have been doing cold showers everyday (straight under the cold water) everyday this year (2022). The first 30 seconds can be tricky but after that your body gradually gets used to it. I’m finding now that after 5 mins it just feels like warm water:)
I crave it and feel great after the shower.


I have been having cold showers for months. A big benefit is that it builds your willpower. It has really helped my motivation.


I have been taking cold showers every day for over two years now. It's nice to know about the health benefits because I mainly adopted this practice to save over $50 a month on my electricity bill (along with stopping using my dryer and oven).


I been doing it for 3 days and it feels amazing… I’m on the path to changing my life physically, spiritually and mentally since I’m going through some health problems and a lot of stress.


To anyone struggling with the cold. Relax . Try not to fight against it . The key is acceptance. Your body is strong, you can deal with its affects, we’re built to deal with such conditions . Go get it


I started taking cold showers during our heatwave and noticed a change in the softness of my skin, my hair is softer and I have more energy, I can now take only cold shower without any warm water for 10 minutes. I love it! 🙂


Been doing this for two years now. Anxiety gone, T levels up, brain fog gone. This was life changing for me.


I'm a 30 year old guy in Ireland with multiple sclerosis. I have numbness and tingling in both hands. I recently read a study that MS patients with these type of symptoms started having big improvements and noticed the numbness and tingling started to disappear. I'm going to start having cold showers today to see how I react, happy to provide updates if anyone's interested!


Couple of tips -
- Start off warm then drop temp gradually
- Breath deeply when dropping temp, it takes the shock off.
- Dont forget to leave on normal temp for partner :-)


I have been taking cold showers every evening since March 14th. The first two times, my immune system was triggered, and I had that feeling you get before catching a cold, but I did not become sick. After that, the feeling went away. Cold showers help clear your mind of anxiety and stress, and you feel amazing afterwards - crystal clear. Although I still feel uncomfortable on some days, I continue to do it consistently because I know I will feel better afterwards.
