jack stauber - cupid

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Recently Jack Stauber released more extended songs as an addition to his micropop album. The songs consist of Dinner Is Not Over, There's Something Happening, Keyman and Cupid. Cupid is one of my favorites and since no one hasn't uploaded it yet I figured I would, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

- Credits -

Jack Stauber's Micropop Spotify:

Jack Stauber's Main Spotify:

- Notes -
Jack Stauber has been nominated for a Shorty Award! I've been voting for him every day and if you love his content you should too, go vote!!:

I do not own any of Jack Stauber's content all of the rights go directly to him. Please make sure to check out his links. Thank you :)
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sending hugs to you all, things will get better ❤


that one quote "art is supposed to disturb the comforted and comfort the disturbed" comes to mind with every jack song, neat


this song is so...dreamy...but its also terrifying.
edit: hi- i forgot about this comment lmfao
i think i meant that i found the song eerie and more disturbing due to the meaning rather than it being "terrifying", but nonetheless its still very creepy
also thanks for almost 3k likes😭😭)


“I don’t wanna ride the bus alone.”
Oof that hit way too close to home.


this song reminds me of one of the last stages of being obsessed with someone unrequitedly. that period of depression before you're over it and knowing that there is no chance your adoration would ever be returned. it feels like you're rotting or melting into a puddle, in the worst way possible. you just sink into your bed and stare at your phone, all these emotions swirling around inside you but you're just too tired to cry.


"How can cupid, how could you be so cruel?" THIS HITS TO CLOSE TO HOME FOR ME


[Intro - 0:09]
(Wah, wah, wah, wah)
(Wah, wah, wah, wah)
(Wah, wah, wah, wah)
(Wah, wah)

[Verse 1 - 0:29]
Oh, circumcise my love for you (Wah, wah, wah,  wah)
It's far too vapid and aimless (Wah, wah, wah, wah)
I wanna be painless (Wah, wah, wah,  wah)
Love soldier,  I want closure (Wah, wah)
And a dollar for the bus back home

[Verse 2 - 1:39]
Oh, euthanize my heartbeat (Wah, wah, wah, wah)
As I set more in the concrete (Wah, wah, wah, wah)
The deified love me (Wah, wah, wah, wah)
Madonna, oh, we're far now (Wah, wah)
And you'll wanna ride the bus alone

[Bridge - 2:51]
How can, Cupid
How could you be so cru-u-u-u-uel?
How can, Cupid
How could you be so?

[Verse 1 - 3:11]
Oh, circumcise my love for you (Wah, wah, wah, wah)
It's far too vapid and aimless (Wah, wah, wah, wah)
I wanna be painless (Wah, wah, wah, wah)
Love soldier, I want closure (Wah, wah)
And a dollar for the bus back home


This gives me the vibe of a creepy abandoned hospital mostly colored white and pink


(what my brain decided to cook up while listening to this) This song makes me think of a suicidal solider trying to send out a distress signal while wanting to go home to their partner but knowing they won't make it back before their position is compromised and captured. Their hesitant at first to "escape" because they don't want to die alone, but eventually they pull it anyways. I guess their partners name is Madonna.


This is how I feel being aromantic while I still want romance "I want closure" I want to feel that closure of knowing I'm loved. "how can cupid be so cruel" How come I don't deserve romance?

Edit: Apparently it's called cupioromantic, isn't that ironic lmao


This song has a painful yet refreshing feel. It’s oddly comforting


oh circumcise my love for you
it's far too vapid and aimless
i wanna be painless
love soldier
i want closure
and a dollar for the bus back home

oh euthanize my heartbeat
as i set more in the concrete
the deified love me
madonna, oh we're far now
and you'll wanna ride the bus alone

how can, cupid
how could you be so cruel?
how can, cupid
how could you be so

oh circumcise my love for you
it's far too vapid and aimless
i wanna be painless
love soldier
i want closure
and a dollar for the bus back home


My girlfriend broke up with me today, I don’t even know why. Currently writing this comment through tears. I don’t know what this song really does mean, or if it even has a meaning, but it means a lot to me.


"Cupied how can you be so cruel" I am aroace and the fact that I will never fall in love hurts so bad


This song is a comfort. I found myself falling in love way too easily.. it’s so hard to get out of it too. Even if it hurt me, I kept holding on to the roses with thorns on them.
Dated 4 people, two of them straight up abusive, the other two toxic for me..
I was with them for a long while, longer than I should’ve been because I didn’t want to be alone. I thought I was too worthless to be able to find someone new, so I kept thinking I was still so in love with them.
My love is infinite still for others and it hurts me, I will never hold any roses again for fear of thorns. I hate the fact that I’m crushing on someone new right now, Cupid is so cruel it hurts so much.


When your nightmares are beautifully terrifying


You’re walking through a lonely flower field, you start thinking of how you brought your significant other here once before. You breathe in the smell of the flowers, clove and daisies fill your nose. Suddenly a deep copper scent fills your body. You look behind you and stand in shock. Your loved one. Shot in the eye. They’re bleeding out in front of you reaching out lifelessly. You’re froze still. Your eyes are shaking with fear. Your loved one says nothing, but collapses on the ground. As their lifeless body falls the flowers around get splattered with blood and tears. Petals covered in blood flow all around the air as if a Sakura tree just blossomed. You begin to silently cry as you’re still. No emotion is left within you. You begin thinking about who did this and why. That’s when you see them. The devilish bastard that killed your loved one. It was you. The what seems to be clone of you is sat there with no sign of emotion on their face as well. They don’t see bothered by what they did. They seem content. You try to scream out to the clone to leave and bring your loved one back but your voice is silent. It’s not there. You fall to your knees crying as you watch the clone of you take the pistol and throw it to you. It lands in front of you on a daisy covered in blood. You grab the pistol and pull it to your head. You watch the clone, deciding if you should pull the trigger. You watch as the clone takes a long mallet and crushes your loved ones head in. At the sight you begin loudly sobbing and pull the trigger with a quiet click. Nothing happened. The clone smiles at you. They walk closer and the sick smile fades as they transform into a burlap sack doll. Covered in stitches and patches. Two large button eyes and a sewn smile lay on the face of the 9 foot doll. Three claw like finger reach out for you. The neck and stomach of the doll rip open revealing large blood glossed teeth. The neck stays still with a snake like tongue sticking out, while the stomach gets large and opens more as it slowly consumes you. You lay awake inside the doll. You fit in it as if you were it’s skeleton. You long for death but the doll leave you to slowly decompose inside of it. As the next week goes by you hear screams and the dripping of blood filing your ears. You hear one last scream before you fade to dust. The scream of a little child. And with the scream your loved one laughs. You can’t believe what your hearing. The stomach of the doll opens so you can look your loved one in the eyes. You sit there with no energy to even close your eyes or react. You simply die right then. Listening to your loved one laugh at your pain. You wish you simply couldn’t fell. Your final moments are filled with agony. If only that pistol worked. If only you could be painless.


"How can cupid? How could you be so cruel?" Damn does lines hit me very hard, cuz my long term first crush likes my best friend and my best friend also likes my crush. I have to act like I am very happy for them but it actually shattered me, I also hate the fact that I will be seeing them have an eye for each other every day.


this song literally screams the downsides of falling in love
like a rose with thorns

its as if you're still dreaming about someone even if theyre dead
or you're just witnessing your loved one fall to their knees and start bleeding as you stare at them helplessly because you're not there

its just your consciousness that witnessed it
or maybe holding on to the last thing they gave you before they turn into something that is not themselves
and think of that particular thing as if thats their present self
_when it's not_

day dreaming to an extent where you are parted from reality
and when you come back to your senses
everything never sounds right ever again.

oh how cruel cupid could be.


Cupid has such a nice and full of tenderness melody. Its so nostagically pleasing in a warm clowdy way! really nice.
