Fuelled edit || Cupid by Jack Stauber ||

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Righttt, i forgot about youtube wont allowed links again.

Movie: Fuelled
Music: Cupid by Jack Stauber

Edit: seems like comment that i pinned got deleted so i'll pinned this back


You can literally see the light leaving his eyes…


I cannot tell you how much the crying scene broke my heart, the animation is phenomenal and the noises she makes is so heartbreaking


wait am i the only one who watched this many times and crying on the floor-


I watched this short film before and it was always so sad brought me to tears for real


you cannot pair this short with this song. who gave you permission to hurt me like this.


Ok, This song makes me cry honestly, and so does this short. It always reminds me of my dog, who sadly passed away from cancer. I wanna see her again, and I feel like this song is just a reminder that shes so close, but still so far. My father is very verbally critical and abusive, and also used to hit us over the smallest mistakes. Tina was the only purpose I had to see my dad, the only hope I had of having a better life. Now shes gone..

- RIP Tina, You were such a good girl.


As someone who copes with stuff by laughing
I laughed my ass off at this to avoid crying 😭


Fulled talks about grief and portrays it well


Short film fuelled dont know whats fuelled here lemme show you

So basically two cats or catboy and Cathy fell in love when catboy saved Cathy Because he almost fell in the stair of bus cathy blushed and they becamed boyfriends. while they're in their house hugging, playing and then someone broke in its his husband's killer and police arrived then he got out in a blanket then police sketch gave him a picture what the killer looks like then his mind was half fulled in anger

and then he crampled the paper then while he was on his car hunting the killer he ran outs of gas and then he doesn't have mush money left so he

attemps to steal gas and the gas owner found him. He attemps to run away but the gas owner was too fast and quickly grabbed his arm then he tries to get the gas and scrathed the gas owner then he gets kicked by the gas owner.he flashbacks with her husband hugging and dancing a little then he wakes up because the memories keeps her going then he grabs a bottle and brokes it he attemps to attack the gas manager then his ciggarete falls into a puddle of gas then lit up everything causing the gas station to explode.he survives and sees the can of gasoline he got it and runs to his car and fuelled to keep searching for the killer quick say fulled is actually not the gasoline its correct also but fuelled her revenge lets get back.Then he sees his eyes violently killer staring back at him he flashbacks again of his husband teaching him to skate then remembers the time the

killer killed his husband and then suddenly he brokes down in tears then he grabs the paper and ripped the paper then he grabs his telephones and calls the police for what chaos he caused then sits speechlessly.
(Made me cry and broke down)
Ending finslly and my hands are not hurted when typing too much.
This made me cried

Let me talk about fuelled.

So basically fulled is the most saddest short film in youtube on earth and it has alot of effects i must applaud the designers! Video was created in dec1 2021 made by killedthecat productions!

Then the characters AWW look at those cute characters reminds me they're cuter than korean girls! But hey im not a lover alr

Thats all i could do bye!

Yo guys, I can edit the comment now but, it's appears when I double check fuelled there's no part 2. Sorry for all the waiting.


I’m going to cry myself to sleep tonight because of this 😭


I start to cry every time I watch this. I can feel her pain, the realization when she knows that she will not see him again hits hard. And the symbolism is amazing. I love this short so much


Don’t say it, Don’t say it, Don’t say it.

Womp Womp, DAMN IT


My reaction to fulfilled at the end 🥺😭

Also i love the edit


This scene has always made me cry... see the love of his life, take his last breath before his last trip.. There's something to drive anyone crazy...


The doberman's name is cupid in my headcanon now 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


That was stangely sad the vid and the music combine so much. That hurts


A truly beautiful work, even without words, for many it caused sadness, tears and emotions.


The crying really got me. I’ve been there and it sounds so genuine to


I remember when I first watched fueled I literally started bawling because I didn’t understand when I was younger but now that I’ve grown, i understand why she cried, she finally realized she became the monster she was trying to find, the grieve finally hit…
