The Separatists Won Geonosis: Star Wars Rethink

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The battle of Geonosis was the brutal first conflict of the clone wars that was won by the Republic, but what would of happend if this pivitol battle was won by the CIS?

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What if the CIS remnants fled to the Unknown regions?


The Separatist wear never bothered about the Republic winning since there only goal was to delay them long enough so they could get the DS plans and battleships off world.


If you think about it, operationally the Republic won the battle of Geonosis, but strategically they lost. The CIS, as someone else pointed out, were able to succesfully hold off the Republic long enough to move their battleships and the Death Star plans offworld. They also managed to evacuate many of their droid forces (yes, many ball things got away) and they also successfully extracted their leader, Dooku, from the planet. They were, after all, one planet up against the might of the GAR (even though they had what was presumably the bulk of the droid army). Pretty impressive.

On the other hand, the Republic lost hundreds of Jedi, and 5 thousand irreplaceable commandos, as well as tens of thousands of precious clones. They also lost the adavntage of surprise; the CIS now knew the Republic had an army.
The Republic lost all this for a desert rock that they would not even hold on to (as they had to invade it a second time).
The ramifications of the loss of so many clones at Geonosis put the Republic on the back foot until very late in the war (even up until the Battle of Coruscant). We see this throughout the Clone Wars at places like Christophsis, Malastare and Geonosis 2.0 (where the Republic, even on the offensive, was outnumbered).

tl;dr the losses the Republic took at Geonosis practically made it a defeat; droids are easy to replace, clones are not, and the Republic lost TONS of (within a reasonable timeframe) irreplaceable clones.


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Palpatine would likely use the defeat to demonstrate the failings of the Jedi and need to increase militarism in the Republic in a realistic sense. Hell, considering how shit of leaders the Jedi were during the beginning of the war, they would be painted in an even worse light to Palpatine benefits. Not to mention, considering Palpatine playing the cards on both sides, he could set up major victories for the Republic to push his imperialistic ambitions. The only thing Palpatine would despise about this lost on geonosis would be the lost of his future apprentice in your scenario. Maybe we could say the CIS would capture Anakin and have Clone commandos rescue him in this timeline so his plans couldn’t be disrupted but this would seem awfully suspicious. In addition, due to Anakin ties to the Jedi, he wouldn’t be seen as the epic war hero he was in the actual timeline. So in reality, Palpatine best and only real option was for Geonosis to be a victory for the Republic.


I always thought Sidious would have a plan for if the Republic didn't win the war. I really would like to see that explored at some point... But, I doubt they'll go back.


The Republic would have to throw the ruusain reformation out the window and moblize


Also if the CIS won and all were killed wouldn’t that ruin Darth Sidiouses plan? Since his hopeful apprentice would have been killed too along with the others there.


I think Sidious/Palpatine would have done these actions:
1) Require militarization
2) Expose Sifo Dyas's involvement with the creation of the Clone Army
3) Blame the Jedi for the conflict
4) Execute Order 66
5) Send his apprentice (I assume Anakin) to kill off the CIS leadership
6) Have the Empire rise and squash the remaining CIS stronghold (just for propaganda reasons).


Poggle the Lesser would have been able to give many more amazing Geonosian speeches in 1080p.


I favor the republic during the clone wars, but the Republic should’ve lost because all the clones were badly organized while on the surface, causing horrible casualties.


The Republic had air superiority they could just have bomber all and use the artillery instead of charging against the ground forces


What would have happened if Dooku beatand killed Anakin at the beginning of RotS?


The Clones were better than the Stormtroopers if you ask me. The Clones were created for combat and They Always (Mostly) Followed orders


Well The Cis almost took out the entire Jedi Order


I think the only reason that the republic had won was becouse Sidius basicly said this to dooku:
D : You look, there's so little clones!We will crush them!
S: but there are 21 carriers in the sky (Most of them were already empty)
D : Oh shit you're right, EVACUATE.


thanks for doing my request man :) + great video


If your argument is that the Jedi councils dies including yoda, obi wan, windu, and Anakin then the Jedi would have been practically destroyed. Palpatine would never be able to use the Jedi as a scapegoat and turn the people on them. But the republic would also have no viable commanders for the military and even with palpatines controls behind the scenes wouldn’t have a chance to fight back even if the republic supported the army whole heartedly


that battle was more of a tie than one winning and the other losing cuz there was tons of jedi who were killed and they counted at 1 to like 100 yea


Palpatine could probably spin a disaster at Geonisis into support for republic militarization by saying the lack of a professional military left the republic vulnerable and all they had to fall back on was a clone mercenary army.
