My Crush Is Not Allowed to Date, What Do I Do?

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Do you want to ask out your crush but you can't because they aren't allowed to date yet? If your parents or their parents are not allowing you to date then there is still a way you two can build a connection with each other so, in the future, dating can become a real option for you.



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Title Music: "The Josh Speaks Theme Song" by Michael Simon
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So I met this girl 3 years ago and I have had the biggest crush on her for 2 and a half years, she isnt aloud to date till she is 16, we are both 14 and I dont know what to cause I want to be with her so bad, I've never liked anyone like i love this girl, she is the prettiest, nicest, most amazing girl I have ever met, and i have been making a friend ship with her and we know alot about eachother, like today, she came over and we watched a movie together in the living room, it was amazing and I enjoyed every second of it, she makes me soo happy!


I'm the one who's not allowed to date. But my crush and I like each other


hey josh, i've already said this in 2 of your vids but when we actually start dating our crush, what do we do next? thanks in advance


I asked my crush out and she isn't allowed to go out with me and our "relationship" has gone dull; we talk less and interact less too. Now what?


What if your parents aren’t so sure about your crush? Can you make a video on that plzz?


I just found out my crush likes me back too recently, and I'm the one not allowed to date😩 idk because he never had a girlfriend before. I don't wanna go against my parents wishes though I really like him.
He said he'll wait for me, but I am scared he will lose interest in me.
He also suggested we hang out as friends🙃


Ok... my crush can’t date until she’s 16 (she’s almost 15 now) and we are already really good friends. Until she can start dating, do I just keep trying to strengthen the friendship even more, or what should I do for a year?


I asked her out and she said her parents don’t want her to date 😭


this will be so hard for me i literally have to wait 3 years before i can go out with her as many times as i want with her im trying my best to stay strong


I hate it like this, cause i asked this girl out, she said yes than, 3 days later she says she isnt allowed to date and cant go out.


She’s been my dream girl since grade 5 and we’ve liked each other since then, so i asked her if she wanted to go out with me and she said she a yes and no, yes she WOULD (score!!!) but that she didn’t really want to date at all in highschool, and that she still liked me and that i was nice, and she wasn’t rejecting me, she was basically saying, not yet, she wanted to date in college, so i said (partly because i’m kinda limited where i live) that i would stay around until she was ready. she couldn’t express her thanks that i’d actually commit to her and stay but this doesn’t change the fact she won’t date for a while

i don’t think anything went wrong but it didn’t go as favored, but i’m glad with what i said and i’m glad she doesn’t want to dive in yet, it just stings a bit since we’ve liked each other for a long time but, you get it
edit: we are going on sophomore this year so, five year crush or so both ways?? man…


I’m a 13 year-old in 7th grade. There’s a girl that I’ve liked for maybe a year and have developed some pretty strong feeling for. As I began noticing her more and more and conversating with her more often a couple of my friends realized that I had a crush on her. One of them walked around telling EVERYONE including her and her friends that I liked her and the next day one of her friends approached me asking me if this was true. I tried to deny it but it was obvious. By that point a lot of my close friends knew but it wasn’t common knowledge among everyone. A few days later, after continuing to strengthen my relationship with her she called me with her friend asking if it was true if I liked her. I avoided the question but eventually quit stalling and gave a “I guess, sure” Her friend then texted me to clarify that I DID like her then telling me she liked me as well and I should ask her out. I then called her and got a yes. We texted back and forth for the next two hours and I went to sleep pretty proud of myself. I woke up the next morning to a “Hey” and assumed she was just telling me good morning so I responded with the same. I was wrong I get a paragraph text about how she talked to her parents about what had happened. They didn’t approve but she wanted to stay friends at least. I played it off as fine but was dying inside. It’s been a matter of weeks and I don’t talk to her very often at school and she doesn’t usually respond to texts so I can’t communicate with her electronically, either. I really like her still. What should I do?


We both like each other but she can’t date 😕


Now in this scenario, I’m the one who not allowed to date at all.What makes it worse my crush is the same guy I use to *HATE* in middle school.I really don’t know what to do at this point…


Randomly stumble upon you, while googling the title of this vid. Excellent advice, will start to do immediately (well not just BAM, but you know what I mean.) You are what I need as a counselor. (Not that I need one)


im actually going thru this right now, we just graduated a few days ago and i confessed to him and he likes me back and we talked about this thru text just a few hours ago and he said his parents didnt allow him to date and i liked my crush for six years now AND we arent going to the same school next year idk what to do helpppp


Josh I'm in a relationship for 11 days now, (I'm 15, she's 16) and we talk a lot at school but when we text, I always have to text first. Should I stop texting, or do you have other advice?


Can you do one on talking to your crush when you are introverted and she is extroverted


A girl said to me she’s not allowed to bring out her number or date but 6 months later She’s starts dating a older guy and that really sucks😡


What if my crush can’t date, but she likes me back?
