Charles Murray- Should Racial & IQ Differences In Public Discourse

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In this video, I discuss Charles Murray's contentious remarks and how we should approach the topic of racial differences in intelligence in public discourse. Know the differences in racial IQ and equal intelligence!

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Great discussion, thank you. Here in the US we eliminated the trade classes in our high schools (carpentry, welding, automotive, ect.) and thought every child should go to college. This thinking is a direct consequence of not recognizing the points you both make here, which is, children are very diverse and have a wide range of skills. Our education systems need to recognize and affirm this reality and offer a diverse set of instruction alternatives for students.


Reality and truth have been censored. Offense has been weaponized


This Yozevitch guy's carrier could be ruined if saying the wrong thing, we already know this game. The European standard was constantly compared to the highest achievers and not to the mediocre or the lesser than. Our academia is suffering because we are lowering the criteria for the sake of feelings, wokeness, and appropriateness. Charles Murray has to walk on eggshells when discussing this genre. Amen.


Very thankful to Roi for organizing these important conversations.


Charles Murray is the Lothrop Stoddard of today


It's hard to find a workable relationship between rational thinking and moral/social thinking. I want to get as close to understanding some disciplines of the human condition - but I also don't want to alienate my contemporaries by openly discussing socially unattractive findings.

I wished we would discuss population genetics in a more open way that aims to deliver scientific descriptions of our world but also doesn't lead to discrimination of certain societal groups.

Starting to educate high school students about it might become possible one day. It would likely help them overcome racism.


I learned about racial differences in IQ in AP Psychology, but it was said that it was due to the environment.


In a capitalist society where certain skills and abilities can have significant economic value, IQ conversations can threaten the economic opportunities for those that may be above the mean or have skills that the IQ test fails to measure. If the conversation did not threaten the earning potential for a significant number of individuals, then public discourse on IQ could be more helpful than it is reckless and damaging.


I agree alarmism doesn't make sense. I get the sense this will seep into public understanding and become more or less acknowledged sooner that people think.


Roi, Have you written any books on intelligence in English? What are they about? I am interested in how a nation's average IQ has an impact on the country's prosperity, innovation and overall crime rates. I know you interviewed the author of Hive Mind recently and I am thinking about reading that one.


Yes because everybody pretending lies are truth isn’t working.


What is the up-to-date information about IQ and standard deviation by race and sex?


I'm a black guy with a high IQ.I think in general Asians are the smartest race and I understand the point of the discussion is embrace and accept your limitation.I don't agree.Forcing discussions like this into public policy only causes hatred and creates an inferiority complex in black kids and further pushes racists' agendas.There are millions of smart Black people who do not want to be to pushed into the same umbrella .The answer is simple improve the environment for underprivileged children so they have the chance to excel.If they don't excel well, you tried .


The goal must be to direct each child to the occupation that best suits it's profile of talents.

The problem is that the smart people generally is good on everything. It's not like the dummest people are better in soccer or boxing, Tyson is no nuthead. We must accept this fact and try to do the best of this situation for each individual.


You can tell my by his initial reaction to the question he had no care for the abuse black ppl particularly children will suffer for this . Also his example about athletics and arts is dumb because people already discount black ppl as only being able to run fast and jump high or rap/sing . Saying well we’re good at these things isn’t a flex lol people don’t value those things at all .


I don’t agree with arts, but some very valid points were output there.


I am just waiting for Murray to start talking about the need to keep the master race in power.


They never spoke about what we're supposed to do with that knowledge or the moral conundrums of its use.

Morality flew out of the window in this conversation, but the reality when it comes to political science, which is what he does, is that morality is essential. In society there aren't facts without morality. Every time we use scientific facts we have to navigate the consequences that those facts will have.

I'm not saying he shouldn't had this conversation but he should have taken those concerns seriously.

I mean slavery was justified using a scientific discourse . Can't he see why people are concerned?


Yes because pretending lies are true is not working.


7:00 Don't most parents do this though? One kid is labelled special and the lesser performers are the black ships. I guess what you guys describe as bad parents is all I've ever seen in life.
