
you can reset any time of year: 3 simple steps to regain productivity & motivation after burnout

why I don't post anymore, engagement update, celibacy, mentally preparing for motherhood | Q&A 🧃

how I plan & organize my life 📬 simple systems for success & slow productivity (update)

5 lessons I learned this year | how to reset your life in 30 days (final episode)

for anyone looking for a fresh start, let's reset our lives together (ep. 1)

how to have a g̶o̶o̶d̶ great relationship with yourself 💘 adulting diaries ep. 1

a healing day at home | getting my life & apartment together, tidying, rearranging my space

to anyone feeling like they're not enough | a video for procrastinators & perfectionists

really, it's okay to not be okay *hug*

how to love your mornings & make them meaningful

organize your entire life with this productivity app: notion tutorial | weekly agenda & GTD

10 lessons I learned in my 20s | for anyone feeling lost :')

A Letter to the Boy I Love

finding relationships & environments that energize you

7 mindset habits on how to overcome insecurities: self-esteem & body image

trying 5am morning routines for a week to (hopefully) reset my life

🗂️ Cleaning & Organizing My Life Together 😀 Self Care Routine-ish

💝 How to Be Happy Single & G̶o̶o̶d̶ Great On Your Own | Overcoming Heartbreak

comfort thoughts & meals | what I eat in a day (simple & easy) ft. changing mindsets & family views

tired of being tired? try deep work & deep rest in this very shallow and distracted world

10 simple self-care habits for staying calm & positive at home | stay at home with me

the one habit you need: how to set systems (vs goals) ft. tidy with me

when feeling stressed & anxious: a day of self-care vlog following your suggestions 🌿