
The Shocking Truth About Alawites in Turkey Revealed What You Didn t Know

Are The Alawis, or Alawites Muslims #Dr Muhammad Salah #HUDA TV

The Secret Society Of THE ALAWITES

The History and Beliefs of the Nusayri/Alawite Sect | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Unique Syrian Alawites #shorts

Ali Dawah’s Family Are Shia

In The Nusayri Syrian Newspapers, They Used To Write “There Is No God/Deity But Bashar.”

The History and Beliefs of the Nusayri/Alawite Sect | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Beyond the Sacred: The Deep Roots of the Nusayri/Alawite Sect in Syria | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Dürzi-Nusayri İnancı.. 'Fatimiler Devleti 100 Yıl Kadar Sürdü Ama Etkileri..' Cengiz Tomar Anlattı

Who is the Nusayri Alawi group who ruled Syria?

Bashar is a Nusayri

Nusayriler, 'Ali Allah'tır' derler! Bu apaçık bir şirktir... / Kerem Önder

The Dark History of Alawites (They DONT Want YOU To KNOW This) | Dr. Yasir Qadhi

An Alawite Explains Alawite Beliefs - Interview with an Alawite

Dürzi-Nusayri İnancı… Cengiz Tomar Anlattı

Nusayri Kafirleri Anlatıyor

History and Beliefs of the Nusayri | Who are Alawites in Syria | Alavi shia of Syria | Amber Voice |

The Alawi Misconceptions - Br. Khoder Abdulkarim Samia

The History and Beliefs of The Nusayri/Alawite in Syria

Syrian Alawite clerics demand amnesty after fall of Assad government

STRANGE religious Beliefs of Bashar al-Assad’s sect! Who are the Nusayri / Alawites? S2E4

The Aqeedah of the Nusayriyah

Every year SHAYKH RAMADAN al-BOUTI would teach and give dawah to 500 Alawi Nusayri students.