STRANGE religious Beliefs of Bashar al-Assad’s sect! Who are the Nusayri / Alawites? S2E4

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Which “Islamic” sect does Bashar Al-Assad belong to? Who are the Nusayris / Alawites? What do they believe? Do they believe in Reincarnation and that Ali (R) was a God?
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Do you have any facts in the link. And you also have hadiths even that say Gid is a boy and cines down to earth on every Friday. Also he has an actual hand but the only difference is its not loke a human hand . Then you go and give dawah to Christians lol.


Bad Sound. My ears are hurting. Pls Record again with better Sounds


Everything youre saying is incorrect
The sunnis called them nusayris. They never called themselves Nusayris. Alawis is just a byname and not representative of the sect at all. Alawis consider themselves no different to Shia. They were branded as Alawis when the Ottomans started to massacre them because of fheir love for Ali and belief he should have been the first caliph. The Nusayri name was given to them because they followed some of the nusayrs teachings.
Every Alawi has to fast, pray, zakat, haj and shahada.
Youre basically spitting out lies.
The Quran is the main book of the Alawis and the Sunnah have been creating bidah about them from a long time ago. This was because the Sunnah did not like that the Alawis believe in Eid ghadir where the prophet pbuh announced Ali as his successor as this would undermine the first 3 caliphs
