
terrible designs on reddit

when redditors miss the joke

r/Oddlyspecific for EXACTLY 1.1255 hours

an hour of r/ExpectationsVsReality

that's... technically the truth?

r/Boneappletea | you mean mediocre..?

r/Mildlyinfuriating | medium rare ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

r/Mildlyinfuriating | chips stucked :(

things that aged like milk

we LITERALLY turned all of reddit into a video.

weird pics from reddit

r/CrappyOffBrands | now with VItamin R

people being confidently incorrect

Science memes

r/Glitchinthematrix | the council has gathered

designs that upset me greatly

r/Cursedcomments | eating the gas station sushi.

r/Bossfight | run run run run run run run run

r/Ihadastroke | are.. are you okay?

weird pics from reddit

Interesting pics from reddit

people ask reddit r/whatisthisthing?

the most cursed snacks