
6 Ways to Heal Perfectionism

The Roots of Perfectionism | Complex Trauma

Struggling with perfectionism? I hope this helps

Introduction to perfectionism (for narcissists)

Why Perfectionism is Harmful and How to Overcome It

Perfectionism has many forms #shorts

How Parents Can Help Teens Avoid Perfectionism & Its Pitfalls

The Truth About ADHD and Perfectionism Procrastination (with Sharon Saline, Psy.D.)

What can you do to help your perfectionism? #shorts

The Perfectionist Trap

Is there such a thing as healthy perfectionism? | Alice Domar | TEDxAmherstCollege

Reframing perfectionism - the vital need for change | Julian Reeve | TEDxSantaBarbara

Advice for Perfectionists & Procrastinators: The 70% Rule

Why Your Perfectionism Makes Life Impossible

The Characteristics of Complex Trauma - Part 1 - Perfectionism

Practical Exercises to Overcome Perfectionism

This Is How To Overcome Perfectionism @Psych2go

What Causes Perfectionism And How To Get Over It


Our dangerous obsession with perfectionism is getting worse | Thomas Curran

Healthy Perfectionism VS Pathological Perfectionism #shorts

What are the Signs of Perfectionism?

The Perfect Solution to Perfectionism

Perfectionism: Impossible Standards & Childhood Trauma