
Normalize breast cancer copy number variation profiles

Differential Expression Enrichment Analysis using GenomeSpace

GenomeSpace Orientation Webinar - Feb. 29, 2016 - Question & Answer session

Importing and running a Galaxy workflow v2

Identify biological functions for genes in CNV regions using GenomeSpace

Tip of the Week: GenomeSpace (integrator of integrators)

Converting BAM to BigWig

Obtaining a reference genome using Galaxy

Processing the reference genome using Picard.CreateSequenceDictionary and SAMtools.FastaIndex

2016-07-08 Ted Liefeld 'GenomeSpace'

GenomeSpace Orientation Webinar - Feb. 29, 2016 - Webinar Presentation

Importing Galaxy workflow to identify regions of significantly different genes

Download a collection of chromosome cytoband gene sets

Finding differentially expressed genes (GenePattern 'ComparativeMarkerSelection' Module)

Visualizing gene knock-outs using RNA-Seq data in the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV)

Running gene set analysis in Genomica

Search for significant overlap with known genesets using MSigDB

Identifying DNA modification regions and their influence on associated gene expression

Reprocess the filtered RNA-seq data into a new file

Gene expression analysis using the ComparativeMarkerSelection tool in GenePattern

Galaxy Genome Trailer (Android/iOS space game)

Driving Biological Project - Step 1

Find genes in CNV regions using the 'Operate on Genomic Intervals' tool in Galaxy

Process the RNA-seq file in Galaxy