Все публикации

Simplifying for Newbies | The Minimalists Ep. 436

Why do you feel inadequate?

How do you break the cycle?

Do you give other people the power to upset you?

Have you experienced self-help euphoria?

How many coffee mugs do you own?

What’s something you’ve been forced to let go of?

Tag a courageous person.

How much of your energy are you giving to toxic people?

Have you ever been cheated on?

Have you ever told someone they’re narcissistic?

Do you want to live like a Kardashian?

Are you an accidental hoarder?

Do you know what you’re doing as a parent?

By what do you define yourself?

How many of your things have made you happy?

Are you a people-pleaser?

How do you pass time at a red light?

Does stillness make you uncomfortable?

Who do you look to for wellness information?

How often do you take a break from electronics?

Are you mad at me?

Which event will you be attending? Get your FREE tickets on our site (link in description).

How long does it take you to let go?