Все публикации

The “Elgin” Marbles and the Rosetta Stone - Repatriation and Justice

Fall of the 18th Dynasty 5 - Horemhab

Fall of the 18th Dynasty 4 - Ay

Tutankhamun - Fall of the 18th Dynasty 3

Fall of the 18th Dynasty 2 - Smenkhkare and/or Neferneferuaten

Fall of the 18th Dynasty 1 - Akhenaten

When was Egyptology born?

The Great Nefertiti Heist

The life of an ancient Egyptian soldier

Pronouncing ancient Egyptian consonants

What was life like for an ancient Egyptian farmer?

What is a 'fringe theory' and are they always bad??

Zenith of the 18th Dynasty 4 - Amunhotep III

Zenith of the 18th Dynasty 3 - Thutmose IV

Zenith of the 18th Dynasty 2 - Amunhotep II

Zenith of the 18th Dynasty 1 - Thutmose III

Was Tutankhamun ERASED from history?

Did Egypt HAVE a 7th Dynasty?

Why are Egypt's 'Intermediate Periods' intermediate?

Who were the Medjay?

Egyptian mummies aren’t what you think

Trigger warnings, human remains, and compassionate archaeology

Ancient Egypt's canonical gay couple?

Rise of the 18th Dynasty 5 - Hatshepsut revisited