Все публикации

How to Trigger Musicians (featuring @RoyZivMusic)

Why is there a key of Ab but not G#?

Wrong Way VS Right Way To Practice Major Pentatonic

How Knowing The Fretboard Changes Your Soloing

Learn One Guitar Scale To Know Them All

Easiest Way To Find Big Chords

Alternate Picking VS Economy Picking

The Top Reasons People Regret LEARNING Guitar

If you can play scales but want to solo better, this video was literally made for you

Sweep Mistakes Every Intermediate Guitarist Makes

The Top Reasons People Regret Quitting Guitar

4 Technical Mistakes Every Intermediate Guitarist Makes

I spent $30k on a Music degree. Was it worth?

Good Solo VS Bad Solo

Playing chords as scales

I've wasted a lot of time

Is it okay to play the same licks all the time?

Targeting every note in the scale

Skills Intermediate Guitarists Should Have

Technical Mistakes Every Intermediate Guitar Player Makes

5 Beginner Guitar Mistakes You're Guilty of

VERY SMART thing to do with new Guitar strings

Why do double sharps/flats even exist??

Hard Harmonic Minor Scale Exercise