Все публикации

Aluminum vs acid is crazy

Turning cotton balls into cotton candy

Making scary plasma in a microwave

This reaction is hard to find

This is the Barking Dog experiment

This is what happens when you burn zinc and sulfur...

This chemical does something weird when it's burned

This chemical can be many different colors

Watch these chemicals react in mid-air!

What's inside these tree balls?

Pure acid vapor - don't breathe this

Dissolving cotton balls

Pure arsenic is scary

Sodium metal is soft and squishy

Dissolving copper wire in acid is crazy

Dissolving gold in mercury

Watch this superconductor hover around in mid-air!

Watch this magnet float in mid-air!

Mixing sodium with mercury

Making a radiation sign with fluorescein

How deadly is cyanide?

This mineral looks fake

These bugs are added to your food

Calcium carbide is scary