Все публикации

What Islam means for Europe

China's Plan to Dominate Europe's Trains & More

Spain's Unlimited Migration Glitch?! & More

The EU's Deportation Plan & More | Last Week in Europe

Why Europe doesn't like New Businesses

Mario Draghi's Plan to Fix the EU's Economy

The Delta Rhine Corridor

Why Immigration Isn't Saving Europe's Economy

Spain's 'Boomer Tax'

Poland Live Ammunition at Border

The EU wants to introduce 'Chat Control'

Why Europe Sucks For Young People

Working and motherhood: policy, culture or personal choice?

Land of immigration or fertility?

500 billion € just laying around?

Rent Caps: Good riddance or Gone too soon?

Bottle caps v. the EU

Dublin Rent Caps: Crisis or Solution?

Super bonus 110: solution or crisis?

Eurohomes in Italy: A crisis solution?

Immigration and Europe's Housing Crisis

Forever and everywhere: the PFAS ban

Real life Handmaid's Tale is terrifying

France's future is uncertain