Why Europe Sucks For Young People

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Into Europe: What is the best country for young people?

00:00 Introduction
01:12 1-The Boomer Tax
04:12 Sponsored Segment
05:21 2- The Boomer Tax in the Future

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I overheard boomers talking about going on their second cruise this year and then complain about the state pension being too low, I am becoming the joker


Well at least the elderly made sure to allow lots and lots of housing to get built and didn't cynically block it so we'd have to desperately outbid each other and make them richer just to get a home!


As a Spaniard living in the Netherlands, I have to say that the latter would be a really good place for young people if it wasn't for the EXTREME cost of housing that makes any of these pretty charts and statistics go out the window the moment you take a look at the prices and availability.

A country can't be good for young people if housing is unafordable.


Once a portuguese journalist said that southern europe nations could evolve into gerontocracies, where the older generations outvote the younger resulting into increased taxation to preserve pensions and afford the increasing cost of healthcare, forcing young people to work more, resulting in lower fertility, perpetuating the cycle, with ever smaller younger generations.


I am indirectly taxed in the Netherlands through rent costs in the Netherlands that basically goes to boomers


Taxing the young is incredibly shortsighted as you basically stunt our growth and hence being less able to pay high taxes in the future when we are supposed to be well established. Young not forming families is a symptom of this not allowing the young to get access to what they need in order to progress healthy. The older generation should be allowed to work longer in order to pay for their pension and thereby lessen the burden for the young.


Well, in the Netherlands we only build big expensive houses for rich boomers. While young people have to pay insane amounts of money for a shitty appartment.


being young in Europe feels like being in an open air retirement home. Old people everywhere and you have to stay broke in order for the boomers to enjoy their pensions...


I'm fascinated how oblivious old people are to this problem. 40 year ago you could buy a house for a 2 yearly salarys, but now you need to work 30+ year to eave afford a house.
Wages have increased since 2000 by around 35% while housing prices have more than double and purchasing power stayed the same.


Be young in the Netherlands??

The housing crisis here is incredibly bad. You need over double the modal income to afford the average house. None of my friends can find anything and our lives are stalling or falling apart because of it.

I'd be very interested how these numbers pan out if you include the wealth transfer through real estate. I bet the Netherlands would do a lot, lot worse.


Singapore CPF pension system is Fullproof where government Force you to save money instead of taxing young people


It's not stealing anything, it's just stealing from itself. In Romania I'm paying 48% of my salary, for no infrastructure, expensive prices, nothing that can make me say hey yes here are my taxes, it just goes in someone's pocket, and also the IT domain is very taxed here, it's not worth it. So obviously I'm moving in luxembourg where I get 10x my wage here and pay them taxes since they are so kind to me and pay me 10x what I get here in a month. at 26 years old I would have the same wealth as I would do in Romania at 62 years old. I'm not wasting my life for them.

They are litterally rebuilding the same road, since I was in the 5th grade, now I'm 22, and it's still happening


Not only are we paying for previous generations’ pensions, we will not get a pension.


If I do everything right as I am told in my life, I will have nothing and be fcked. I owe my country nothing.


Only problem: you have to learn the insane gibberish they call "Danish"


As a millennial approaching my 40*s with a child, we studied about the demographics in high school some 20 yrs ago so it's unacceptable to say ylwe didn't see this coming
Every political leader has either been kicking the can down the road or fell asleep in the wheel in the last 30 yrs


"Japan [...] comes out as the champion of pension moderation"
That's one way of saying the old die alone.


It's bad here in Australia too for young people- with a plan to scrap or heavily reduce the quality of the pension by around 2050 by using mandatory superannuation to effectively replace it (despite many 'younger' pensioners today receiving both super and a pension), the government is screwing over young people by making us pay for a pension scheme we may never receive ourselves; broken social contract.


I used to be a young person. and I agree totally that there’s too much burden on the young in many countries (maybe even all), and it’s not even just taxes.


Our generation can't afford a family, raise children or own a house. Result, further drop in birth rate which leads to desperate need for foreign skilled workers. This is cultural suicide.
Old people are the cause for this cultural identity shift, while they are also the most vocal about it.
