Все публикации

There is something wrong with this

What If I controlled DC Studios?

Will Tom Die In Sonic 3?

What’s In Store For The Original Avengers?

What if they replace popcorn in the movies?

How do you defeat Magneto?

How Does Knuckles Get Hurt?

They are scamming us with this

This theory has to be true

Will Metal Sonic Be In Sonic 3?

The MCU’s Thing Has Been Leaked

Do The New Fantastic Four Suits Look Good?

The Thing looks so ugly

He wins this fight by a landslide

Leave Ryan Gosling out of this

Robert Downey Jr is overpaid

If this is true, I’ll be so mad

He is right

This is getting super annoying

This is scary

After 11 years, he’s back

The guy is so weak

This is over hated

This is why he’s the goat