Все публикации

Best bodyweight exercises (pull-up bar only)

Master the muscle-up with these

Tips to NEVER GET INJURED again!?

Advanced HSPU workout. Full program at www.baseblocksplus.com

Intermediate HSPU workout. Full program on BaseBlocks+ app

Beginner HSPU workout

Calisthenics wrist pain fix

Bar Muscle-up Roadmap

Free gains!!? How I got the human flag without training it

Back Lever Progressions

90-degree push-up with tip

What’s the best way to improve strength endurance?

How hypertrophy can change a muscle’s moment arm

How tendon insertions influence strength

Should calisthenics athletes train legs?

Interview with Andry Strong

Master every calisthenics skill with assistance bands

Why are bands worse for muscle growth?

Tips for band-assisted 90-degree push-up

Human Flag Masterclass | The most comprehensive flag tutorial online

Don’t cross your legs in pull-ups!?

Why smaller people have a greater strength to weight ratio

Influencers don’t know what POV means

Game changer HSPU exercise