Все публикации

Man's Search for Meaning

7 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner in Life

The Innovator's Dilemma

The Expectation Effect

Atomic Habits — Summarized

3 Steps to Becoming Fearless

The Blue Dot Effect

Screw Finding Your Passion, Do This Instead

Let go of things beyond your control.

Why you should have fewer opinions.

Why stupid people think they’re smart.

Why your favorite self-help book sucks.

This is the definition of what an a-hole is

The Law of Diminishing Returns

Why Love is Overrated

There’s only one way to deal with a narcissist… don’t.

They got banned from the restaurant 😳

You're wrong about everything.

Parenting 101... boundaries.

Overcome Your Anxiety, Win $10,000

The 5 Stages to Figuring Out Who You Are

4 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Elon Musk