Why You Need To Start Taking Cod Liver Oil Now - Dr. Berg Reveals The Surprising Truth

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Learn about the amazing benefits of cod liver oil, a superfood rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin D.

Check out Dr. Berg's Cod Liver Oil Here:

0:00 Introduction: Why take cod liver oil?
0:15 Health benefits of cod liver oil
1:01 Cod liver oil vs. fish oil
3:03 Vitamin A and cod liver oil
4:35 Cod liver oil and vitamin D
5:23 Learn more about vitamin K2!

In this video, we’re going to talk about the health benefits of cod liver oil. Cod liver oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. EPA has potent anti-inflammatory properties, while DHA supports cognitive function. Cod liver oil is also rich in vitamin A and vitamin D.

Don’t confuse cod liver oil with fish oil! You would need 12,000 mg of fish oil to equal just one tablespoon of cod liver oil.

You can not get vitamin A from fruits and vegetables. Beta-carotene is only a precursor to vitamin A, not the active form. Cod liver oil contains retinol, the active form of vitamin A.

The most common autoimmune disease is Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. There’s a significant link between vitamin A deficiency and hypothyroidism.

There are vitamin A receptors inside of your white blood cells, so it’s crucial for immunity! Vitamin A also helps to regulate iodine.

Vitamin A supports the mucus membranes of your mouth, sinuses, throat, and lungs, so it’s critical in preventing infections. It also supports the roots of the microvilli on the inside of your intestinal tract.

Vitamin A supports the health of your retina. If you’re deficient in retinol (the active form of vitamin A), you can go blind.

Cod liver oil is also a good source of vitamin D. Without vitamin D, you can't pull calcium and magnesium into the body.

Beans, legumes, grains, and cereals are very high in phytic acid, which increases the need for vitamin D. If your diet is high in these foods, it’s easy to become deficient in vitamin D.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this explains why you should take cod liver oil. I’ll see you in the next video.
Рекомендации по теме

I started taking cod liver oil at the age of 28 on the recommendation of my osteopath. My doctor had diagnosed me with osteoarthritis of both hips, plus my hand knuckles were swollen and it was stopping me gripping. Drs prognosis was that I would have replacement hips by age 50. I am now approaching 73 with the same hips, no pain and knuckles back to normal. One of the main elements of my recovery was cod liver oil, which I have religiously taken daily. People say I look in my 50’s including my current doctor! A truly amazing supplement that has all the benefits DrBerg speaks of.


I just started consuming cod liver. Sardines one day, cod liver the next. Two hard boiled eggs, pasture raised, and an avocado with macadamia nuts everyday for lunch. Thank you @dr_ericberg !


I am from the westcoast of Norway, and we grew up always taking a tablespoon of codliver oil every morning. In all the months with an "r" in it. I am now 55 an I still do it.


00:00 🎣 Cod liver oil is a superfood rich in omega-3 (EPA, DHA). Omega-6 from seed oils competes with omega-3 absorption.
00:54 🌞 Cod liver oil is a valuable source of vitamin D and A, surpassing benefits of fish, sardines, or salmon oil.
01:47 🦷 Grass-fed butter with cod liver oil is recommended for skeletal development, especially in children and pregnant women.
02:31 🐟 Cod liver oil is preferable over algae for omega-3, providing essential vitamins A and D, vital for children. Fruits/vegetables don't offer true vitamin A.
03:37 👁 Vitamin A deficiency links to autoimmune diseases. Vitamin A regulates iodine, supports mucous membranes, preventing infections.
04:30 🌿 Cod liver oil, an excellent source of vitamin A, crucial for retinal health, is a preferable alternative for those who dislike liver.
04:57 💪 Vitamin D in cod liver oil is essential for calcium/magnesium absorption, crucial for diets high in phytic acid.
05:26 🚑 Cod liver oil is a superfood, combining active forms of vitamin D, A, and omega-3 fatty acids, benefiting the immune system and reducing inflammation.


We came from a poor family but our mother still made us take them oils.


I started taking cod liver oil and I could feel the change in my body. The only supplement that I ever felt better. Less brain fog, not as anxious, and I pray it will keep getting better 🙏


I grew up as a little kid in the 1980s and 1990s with a most wonderful Jamaican woman who was like a Grandmother to us kids in a Group home.
She used to have us line up every school morning to receive one tablespoon of Cod Liver Oil!
The name on the bottle was:
Seven Seas!
Dr. Berg knows exactly what he is talking about!
Excellent, overall health and wellness information/education!


Man, you're awesome! Thank you for your service! I feel so bad for a guy that I tried my best to support a while back. His misinformed nutritional knowledge about animal protein was so awful. I tried to show empathy for his veganism and even donated hundreds of dollars to help motivate him towards true learning of the importance of animal protein, but I got shunned. 😐 He even went so far as to hate on Dr. Berg for teaching us true health! 😂 Well, around March 9th of that year, I had enough and put my full focus on Healthy Keto, and I feel so much better! Much appreciated. Have a wonderful day, everyone! 🙂


I take one cod liver oil and one fish oil in the morning with my vitamin D3 and K2 mk7 with a zinc picolinate.. It has helped me quite a lot for 9 months now. With my healthy keto lifestyle and fasting. I have lost more then 110 pounds so far and I feel FANTASTIC! THANK YOU DR BERG.


After trying 8 different cod liver oil brands I must say Rosita is unparalleled. All the others, including Carlson have been disappointingly mid. Rosita is the only one I found that doesn’t add synthetic vitamin A & D back in which gets lost due to the processing. Rosita is raw, unheated, traditional method. If your cod liver oil is light in flavour and color, you got top of the barrel, filtered oil. If it’s dark (almost brown) you got the primo stuff 🤝


I think my mother for shoving a teaspoon of Cod Liver oil, mixed with golden seal then washing it down with a glass of orange juice every morning. This was in the late 80's early ninties. I took this for ever morning of my elementary and middle school years. My mother knew something back then


I will start taking cod liver oil immediately. Thanks Dr Berg from the Philippines.


My grandma gave it to us every morning before school and she told us it was for preventing illness, mostly cold season.


Gratitude 🙏
(Ketosis: Many Drs are instantly prescribing Statins when they see the cholesterol levels in the blood of a person in Ketosis, don't let them poison you. Recent studies show Oreo cookies do more to help you than Statins, not kidding)


I started taking CLO after I was diagnosed with Salivary Gland Cancer & came across Dr. Weston A. Price’s work.
FYI…make sure the Vitamin A & D is still present in the cod liver oil you buy (some don’t have it).
Also, it’s a natural blood thinner, so keep that in mind.


Superior information, and I started Vitamin K2 after watching your video. I'd a major heart attack and stent fitted 2 years 7months ago and I quit smoking 🚬 immediately and now I rarely drink alcohol. But your information is priceless Sir.


I began taking cod liver oil decades ago when I suffered the debilitating effects of several types of arthritis. I was prescribed Naproxen for the pain but that didn't reduce the various pains. Within one week of beginning the CLO regime, my feet were pain free, I could sleep at night without constantly suffering joint inflammation, and my skin become silky, velvety smooth, and that's just to name a few of the positive effects of CLO.


Me and my breastfeeding wife are taking this everyday. Thank you so much Dr Berg. From Philippines with love ❤


Note : We (the Vikings) worked it out centuries

Cod Liver Oil really is a super food.


The best video on cod liver oil, Dr Berg. I never liked the taste and struggled taking it when I was a child but so grateful my parents insisted. Cod liver oil is an amazing super food which I learned to appreciate even more since I found your channel and thanks for your continuous support 🙏🏻
