US and China trade barbs over origin of coronavirus

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The Chinese government is questioning the origins of the coronavirus outbreak.
A conspiracy theory circulated on the fringes of the internet and Russian media is now being shared by the foreign ministry in Beijing.
Al Jazeera's Andrew Chappelle reports.

#AlJazeeraEnglish #ChinaUS #Coronavirus
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I'm open to ideas, if the US can lie to the world about WMD in Iraq they certainly can with this outbreak.


This is only my opinion and I'm sure I'll be called a conspiracy theorest, but, there are several different strains in Italy, Iran, Korea, China but the biggest variance of strains according to Japanese Virologist comes from the US and interesting the original cases known as 'case 0' were in the US. The way viruses work is the place with the largest number of strains means it has been mutating whereas the least number of strains would suggest a single strain being planted and there was military games in Wuhan that was attended by the US prior to the outbreak in Wuhan. The strain in Italy is very deadly and the US are angry with Italy for doing a huge trade deal with China, which is a possible reason. The strain in Korea is far more aggressive contagion BUT far less deadly than the China strain, and interestingly the strain in Iran is very similar to a well documented Pneumonia which hit this population a few years ago but is now a Covid 19 type virus.
The US were very quick to jump on the "its their fault narrative" and yet the Chinese were also very quick to deal with the Virus when you think that they were acting as if they realised they were under biological attack. They used a treatment obtained from Cuba which is banned for distribution by the US which was an Interferon derivative and it seems very successfully.
What also was interesting is that the timing just around Chinese New year thereby allowing maximum spread via travel all round the world and at the same time we experience a massive economic hit to stock markets which has been coming for years. Many expected the collapse possibly caused by Deutsche Bank and indeed there has been an increasing banking melt down going on since Sept 2019 in the repo market where the Federal Reserve has been pumping hundreds of billions in to the system finally endng up with a crash a few weeks ago and only last week what started as 60 billion per month ended as 1.5trillion in one day which still didn't stop the 2000 point collapse of the Dow in one day.
The timing and detail and the rhetoric and narrative all point to the US. Am i surprised? No! Nothing surprises me anymore especially when it comes to a country desperately trying to hold onto power, their reserve currency and the levels of criminality and corruption in polital corporate America. The US have squandered their currency, wealth and influence and the party is coming to an end, and China are their greatest adversary with massive production, infrastructure and wealth and a currency with the potential to take over reserved currency status. However, this will backfire because due to the swift action of China they are already increasing output. If all that I have found out is true the technically the US declared war on China and for that matter the rest of the world. But be warned, this is NOT the American peoples fault, they like us are victims. The true crimes are committed by the corporatocracy, banksters and politicians.


Yes it started from China. During any crisis everyone should reflect what can be done better. I hope they will learn from this crisis and permanently ban wild animal market. And I believe all the Asian countries should join in that declaration. Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, south Korea.


Blame everyone else except themselves for this disaster they created and unleashed on the world..


Infect the world and blame others. Talk about adding insult to injury. The narcissistic gaslighting is unreal.


The spirits of all those dogs that were mercilessly cooked alive are coming for vengeance!


What a bunch of children. And these are supposed to be respected governments of two nuclear powers?


instead of pointing fingers, we should help one another coz we dont know what is coming next.


Why did China quiet, Li Wenliang, the doctor who was a whistle blower?


So it's wrong to say that it started in China?! What?


I'm neither Chinese or American but I know a few facts.
>The epidemic happened in China
>The Chinese doctor who reported it was hushed and died afterwards
>The Chinese location where it spread was a lab which was researching the same family of virus located only 2 blocks away from the "illegal animal market" from which the virus originated.
>the Chinese government convinced the WHO representative to keep quiet about the outbreak since December.
>China quarantined an entire city because of all these mistakes.
Now bring me conclusive evidence that points to America.


China was first to notice sum ting is wong


The truth him self always revealed at the end with a good price.


Well for starters, we don't eat rodents. Raw at that. China needs to take responsibility.


Of course we blame China. Just look at your wet markets selling wildlife and without refrigeration too. The Chinese government had plenty of times to stop and ban these markets but each time they had allowed take responsibility China!


Well just cuz it started in China doesn’t mean it was started by the Chinese 🤷🏼‍♂️


Really pointing fingers us govt leaders like children.. We had months to prepare we will be the ones pointing fingers when the bodies pile up in the streets.


China needs to be fined few hundred billion dollars as fine.


How about u stop eating any animal that has 4 legs


I'am a lifelong vegetarian but why do the Chinese eat everything with 4 legs except tables and chairs?
