How To Start Reading More

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4 tips to get you reading LOADS

Vlogs and running stuff on tiktok: @chlojtok

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This video just popped up for me and I'm so glad it did. I ended up nodding along with your points. I am lucky enough to be able to listen to audio books whilst at my new place of work, so make full use of that, then I also have one audiobook on the go for at home when doing boring housework, and one book on my Kindle before bed. Having a husband who reads is so lovely, eventhough he's a much faster reader and prefers a different genre, just sitting together reading is so relaxing.


I found your channel and I love it so much! I recently made a video with my reading tips so I loved watching this to learn your tips! I 100% agree that you need to WANT to read. I consider reading to be a hobby and that's why I've shifted my mindset to choose time to read > time to watch tv. I LOVE that reading relaxed your heart rate so much that your watch detected it as a nap! That's really a silly thought but so lovely at the same time. Really shows you love to read!


My smartwatch also thinks that I nap when I read lol I read 55 so far, which is great! For me, it's about consistency, reading exclusively e-books and obviously just my love for reading overall :D


WOW! Interesting info from the Smart Watch. I wonder if that's typical for everyone or if other factors play into it - like general comfort level or type of lighting, etc. Good job on the reading, too.


I wanted to stop doom scrolling because America is terrifying right now. So I replaced my social media usage with reading and I’m at 50 books too.


i read 11 books last night and have finished 27 this year already. the first swap i made was turning the tv off an hour earlier at bedtime and reading in bed! 😊


I was just thinking last night that I need to spend more time reading, this was perfectly timed!


My years vary so much as to how much I read, but I find that setting goals helps, even if it's a little one. I set a goal to read 35 books this year and I've read 50 + so far


this was such perfect timing! i was impressed with my 32 books so far this year (still an accomplishment, i know!), then asked my parents to guess how many it had been, and both of my parents guessed it was 55 or 70 and then i was so much less proud of myself, haha. anyways, excited to watch! :)


I read 100 books last year, this year I have dialled my target back to 72, as this is more comfortable for me. Last year December was a little crazy. Enjoy your reading, the quality of the reading is more important than the quantity.


My audiobook time is much much less than my podcast listening these days so yeah, the two definitely compete!

Podcast reccs definitely depends on what you're looking for but I've been enjoying Stuff the British Stole, Criminal, Maintenance Phase, and a new season of In the Dark just started so I'm catching up with that.

I'm excited to see how the second half of the year goes for you reading-wise.


Our time is finite. The most obvious and yet often ignored truth! If I didn’t listen to audiobooks, I wouldn’t consume anywhere near the amount of books that I do. I also love a podcast, so have to balance books and podcasts out! Great video and reflection on reading - thanks for sharing!


Reading is reading no matter how you're reading and it is frustrating when people say audiobooks isn't reading because that mentality leads into ableism.


I also find bus travel very helpful for reading. Even if just 20 mins out of a 45 min journey is spent reading, always good time spent.

If you like true crime podcasts, The Casual Criminalist is good (video version is available on YouTube & podcast on Spotify etc).


Great video! I started focusing on reading more as well which I actually love so much more than most of the stuff I occupy my free time with. And look, magically finished 11 books in the span of 2 months which is a crazy amount for me (and one of them was close to being 700 pages). I might be finishing the next book in a day or two, and have started reading two other ones. I'm curious to see how many books I will have read by the end of the year, though I absolutely won't make it a challenge. I feel similar about it like you.

(By the way, I too thought that 100s of books in a year seems like A LOT. It is curious since I know I'm capable of easily finishing a simpler 400 words novel in a day when I put my mind to it, so I don't know why I thought that).


When I pick up a fun book, and stop in the middle of a serious book, the serious book often gets abandoned. I have a hard time with historical fiction, but friends and my book club keep me trying to read them. I had to abandon my preplanned lost for this year. I felt too boxed in. I will probably read 52 books this year if I keep up my current pace. I have become a slow reader.
