What to Plant in Your FALL GARDEN!

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It's that time of year... time to think about your Fall Vegetable garden. You've never grown a fall organic garden? You don't know what your missing. Vegetable gardening in the fall is so much better than summer. Less pests, less disease, cooler temperatures. What's not to like? In this video, I will let you know what you can grow in fall. Guess what? You have even more options than with the summer garden! I'll also let you know when to plant.

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I didn't grow broccoli until last year because it seemed a waste of space to plant a big plant from which you only got one head of broccoli. What I didn't know was that, after harvesting, broccoli will re-sprout little side "broccolinis" for months and even the leaves are delicious! I'm trying a purple sprouting broccoli this year. Very excited!


I'm in Texas and we have had almost 40 days of 100 degree temps. My vegie garden was awful this year and I'm hoping I can grow something this fall!!!


This will be my first fall garden. Thank you for this series! I'm still fairly new to gardening in general. I'm hoping to eventually build a greenhouse for all year growing in zone 5b. My summer garden went in super late so I'm hoping for more success this time! 🙏


Really appreciate that you pointed out northern, southern and temp variables. 🤠


First time fall gardener here. Thank you so much for putting out this info! I'm in 9b and it's hot hot hot and dry. First frost isn't until Christmas, so I have time to get in a summer crop, but it's so hot that I think I should wait because the first plants I planted fried in the heat. :(


Central Texas here-
I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to the Fall-Winter-Spring garden!
Some years we get a very short Spring before the dog days of Summer blow in.
I'm always joking about those 4 glorious days of Spring we were blessed with!

No matter,
one thing's for sure-
The Cilantro will be growing & flowing every chance we get once the temps fall over here!!


Yay! This is what I've been waiting for! Thank you!


When I was growing up my parents always planted the traditional vegetables, cucumbers, cantaloupe, tomatoes, corn and strawberries. I never learned to enjoy the taste of a lot of the vegetables you grow. Swiss chard, egg plant, fennel ect.. I probably will never try some of those vegetables because they would take up valuable space in my tiny garden. I wouldn’t even know how to cook them☹️and if I tried a random recipe with some of those veggies in it and I hated the recipe I would consider it a waste. But considering my age anything you don’t use is a waste, I grew up in meager times. End of story. I still love watching your videos! 🌸💚🙃


First time planting anything. Planning to sow cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower carrots, beets and kale that’s it. Don’t want to get overwhelmed. I always go to your videos for knowledge. Thank you for always putting out great content that’s easy to understand.


This will be my first official fall garden. This video was VERY informative. I appreciate this so much! New subscriber.


Just planted green beans today and will be planting lettuce, spinach, turnips and radishes in a couple of weeks.


Something new I'll be trying this year will be Leeks.
I'm in Central Texas, and I've no idea what I'm doing in growing them, but I'll be giving it a good try anyway!!


Great idea! I am looking forward to planning and growing along side of ypu. Thank you for this series. I hope you can do the same next year for growing onions. Maybr a step by step and monthly updates (fertilizing, trimming, etc) so we can grow them properly.


This will be my first Fall crop ever and I'm so excited! I'm in zone 8B so my first frost date is Oct 1st. Thank you for all of your great videos, I'm learning so much.


Yes, first fall garden. In a future video, will you outline exactly when, how and why to use the Neptune's Harvest products? It would really help because it is a little overwhelming. Thank you! LOVE the videos!


This is my first time growing in the fall as my first frost date is Oct. 22. I am excited! Thanks for doing this fall crop series; so much great information.


Not my first fall garden. Love to grow, cauliflower, broccoli and artichokes(late winter)!


This will be my first fall garden. I don't have alot of space, so right now I'm planning on planting lettuce, spinach and maybe some garlic and onion in November-ish.
Thank you Brian for this video and for laying out timing for when to plant! It's very helpful.


Started tarping my main raised bed garden a week ago to knock down weeds and sprout/kill weed seeds. Home to pull tarp soon, till, and rinse and repeat until weed seed depleted.


I love fall gardening up here in the North West. You mention bunch onions and this year we tried something different. We did not harvest an area where we were going to be putting our cucumbers and tomatoes so they could keep the bugs away and so we could collect the seeds. They grew huge and put out large flowers. The bees were drawn to the flowers and helped propagate the little buds on the other plants. The bonus was we were able to get a lot of seeds to create a new crop. It will be interesting to see what the bulb looks like once I pull them.
