How to update PHP7 to PHP8 - Step by Step Guide 2022

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In this video tutorial, we will see how simply we can update our PHP version to PHP 8.

WordPress alerted me that I'm using PHP 7.3.33 and it should be updated.
Your site is running an insecure version of PHP 7.3.33 which should be updated.

Check the PHP version in phpinfo

It’s running in the php7.3.33 version.

Currently, I’m using xampp in windows 10.

Let’s go step by step.

Step 1: you need to download the latest version of xampp from where we will get the latest version of PHP.

I’m downloading from the sourceforge site. Sourceforge site URL is as follow to download the latest version of xampp.

Download the zip file.

Copy the PHP folder from it. And navigate to your xampp folder. Rename the existing PHP folder with any name like I gave name as underscore backup 7.

Then paste the copied latest version of PHP over here.

Moving to the second step.

In this file, we have to update the word php7 to php8.
In the PHP module setup, change php7 to php8 whereas in load module only remove the 7 from php7.
Scroll Down.
Same as above, remove 7 from php7 from all.
Best way to confirm is to search for php7 if we miss somewhere.
Save it.

Step third, we need to restart the apache. Let’s stop and start again.
Check the PHP version on phpinfo again.
It should be running PHP version 8.1.6 now.
Refresh and check in the WordPress admin panel. The PHP versioning issue should be resolved.

In this way, we can upgrade our PHP version to the latest version simply.

I hope it's simple and helpful to you to update the PHP version to the latest version.

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Рекомендации по теме

Gives errors of Apache missing dependencies, rollback doesn't work.


You left out a critical step: Updating 7.x code for 8.x compatibility. It's an essential but very frustrating project, as all the tutorials online assume the reader is an experienced developer or is using a specific platform. I've found no tool that simply reads the 7.x code and flags incompatible lines, hopefully including revision advice.


I faced a problem ... when I upgrade like what you said ... but now I faced a problem with (Apache Shutdown)


Hi, is it for localhost? How to upgrade on provider host-server?
