How to Install/Update to PHP7 on MacOS Sierra via Homebrew

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On this tutorial, we are going to cover how to install or update from PHP5.6 to PHP7.1 on MacOS Sierra via Homebrew option.

Topics covered
Installing Homebrew
Optional install xcode-select
Installing php with apache options via Homebrew
Editing the Apache configuration file.

2. Open your Mac Terminal and paste the script
3. Once Homebrew is installed run
brew tap homebrew/php

4. Next run
brew install php71 --with-httpd24

5. Optional - If you are getting zlib error and failing the install run the following then try the install again
xcode-select —install

6. Copy the instructions for the php7module and the FileMatch

7. Once installed run
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH

8. Next unlink the homebrew apache, run
brew unlink httpd24

10. Make a backup and comment out the php5 module and add the configuration copied from the install.

11. Finally restart apache
sudo apachectl restart
Рекомендации по теме

How to update php 7.3 to 8.2 without homebrew.
I have configured the php7.3 in manually. Likewise I would like to update my php version to php 8.2. Can any one help me with your inputs!...


Thank you:) I couldn't get the version 5.6 out of the way.
For me it only worked PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" with quotes


I get to the 2:45 point of your tutorial and receive the following ERROR; homebrew/php was deprecated.. This tap is now empty as all its formulae were migrated. What do I do? PLEASE HELP.


can we have a tutorial on hoe to use duplicity on Mac ?
