Why Nog Is Actually Pretty Awesome

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My favorite Nog moment was when he earned the respect of Martok.


One of my favorite moments in the episode where Nog applies to Starfleet Academy is when he's telling Rom and Quark about it and Rom stands up to Quark for the first time and encourages him to do it. It just tugs at the heartstrings for me.


As a Star Trek: Online player, I was happy that they got Aaron Eisenberg to voice the now Captain Nog for a bunch of story and stand alone missions.


"Are you okay?"
"No... But I will be."


Nog was incredibly significant to me especially the episode "It's Only A Paper Moon" which I saw when I was a teenage and it didn't mean as much to me until after I got out of the military and deployments... then I saw a reflection of Nog and the physical and emotional pain from my deployments that I'd tried to escape in video games and music.

It was such an amazing portrayal, even when he was a jerk to Jake's girlfriend and how he felt about his leg. It was always extra poignant and real to see how angry Nog reacted to being called a "war hero" cause he was scared as shit and hurt still and it resonated so much from every time I feel like a dirtbag for being "thanked for my service" and feel like Nog seems to react to Jake's date.

Ever since I rewatched that episode, it's my goto the times I've lost service buddies to suicide and feeling like shit about my own stuff. Nog was written perfectly.


There was this episode where Nog was still a cadet was being overlooked by the Klingons on DS9 and they would not take him seriously. He stood up to Martok despite his fear and got their respect. That was a good episode for him. Second only to when he lost his leg in service of the Federation.
RIP Aron


This was really nice Steve, thanks. My favorite Nog moment is when he and Garak are scouting a planet after a crash and Nog refuses to let Garak walk behind him. "You can either stay in front of me or walk beside me, but I won't turn my back on you again." The look on Andrew Robinson gave him is priceless. I think it shows a change in Nog from just following orders to taking responsibility for himself and his own safety.


Aron was a World of Warcraft player and his son arranged an in-game memorial for him. It was so crowded that many were kept out of phase in the area. It was really great to see so many people show up to honor him.


Not the best Nog moment, but one that I always liked was in “Rocks and Shoals” when he tells Garak the reason he’s walking behind him is he’ll never turn his back on him again. RIP Aron. Far too young.


Nog is one of the best characters in Trek as a whole. Possibly the most developed through his run.
Aron will be greatly missed.


Favorite Nog moment (and Jake). A few episodes into Season One, Jake helping Nog to read.

Simple kindnesses go a long way.


One of my favourite Nog stories is In the Cards. Nog and Jake combine the best Human and Ferengi traits to make life just a little bit better for each of the staff. It's a great story about the power of small actions and service to one another.


When the Ferengi were first introduced in Next Gen I never imagined that a piece on the character arc of a Ferengi would bring a tear to my eye. This did. Aaron Eisenberg did an amazing job playing Nog. RIP Aaron.


Aron Eisenberg actually showed up in a Facebook group I'm in, "Star Trek Shitposting." He definitely lived up to his reputation for being accessible and welcoming, and also demonstrated that he's got a pretty great sense of humor.


Lots of folks are covering the more serious parts of Nog's character arc, so I want to bring up something more fun.. It's often overlooked because of the episode's heavy A plot, but Nog and Jake's B story in 'Progress' is a wonderful bit of business, a comic romp of yamok sauce, self-sealing stem bolts, and the Noh-Jay Consortium.


I am sure someone else already said this. But Nog's story arc really helped me when I myself lost a leg. I was not aware that Aron had passed away, I had always hoped to meet him and tell him how much he meant to me.


I think the funniest Nog moment was his dancing at Dax's bachelorette party.


In Star Trek Online, Nog is a captain. Also, they have added his name to the memorial plaques. Aron did voice work for Nog in the game.


Man, Aron Eisenberg could act. That scene in "Heart of Stone" where Nog pleaded with Sisko to support his Starfleet application, and that scene in "It's Only a Paper Moon" when Nog opens up about how devastating it was to lose his leg ... if those weren't top-notch performances, I'm an uncle's monkey.

About "Heart of Stone", that episode and the one before it (where Vedik Bareil dies (spoiler)) set a massive shift in direction from the show. Prior to that it was all about Bajor internal affairs and Cardassia always trying to undermine things like Barney trying to steal Fred's cereal. But that treaty that Bareil had negotiated put an end to the Cardassians' covert chicanery, and it also set up how Odo is in love with Kira. DS9 is almost two shows: pre "Heart of Stone" and post "Heart of Stone".


For all of the amazing episodes in DS9=Best Trek, "It's Only a Paper Moon" is the one that lives with me. It's the typical TV trope of "let's deal with life-altering horror in 42 minutes!" but it handles it so so well. Nog's battle with PTSD feels *real*, and that's a huge credit to Eisenberg to be able to give the character the nuance and depth without feeling out-of-character. In a sea of greatness, he stood out.
