Why Aemond & Vhagar Turn Tail and Fley Away?

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Why Aemond and Vhagar Turn Tail and Fley Away in House of Dragons Season 2 Episode 7 After Chasing Silverwing and seeing Vermithor, Syrax, Silverwing on Dragonstone.
Rhaenyra showing off as queen of dragons and the entire scene, Vhagar bursting through the clouds intent on chasing down that dragon until Aemond sees the others & then Rhaenyra stands with a look of promised vengeance & satisfaction as Aemond flees. And then all the dragons roared as one.
In House of the Dragon season 2 episode 7 aegon Targaryen chases after the dragon SilverWing but then surprisingly has vagar turn away before a fight starts, this is unusual for both end and vagar who have been shown to be more than willing to kill anyone in their way since the end of season 1.
In the ending of House of the Dragon season 2 episode 7 there's a big moment for team black with two new Dragon Riders joining their side and Ulf White claims Silverwing and Hugh Hammer claims vermithor and with these two huge dragons team black now has more confidence in facing vaghar.
Heavy spoilers ahead so take care and don't say I didn't warn you and also subscribe to this channel for more videos.
When Aemond is chasing silverwing which flew in kingslanding, Aemond senses the change too when Silverwing and to unexpectedly show up in King's Landing and he starts to chase them but then backs away from the threat waiting on Dragon stone with Vermithor, Syrax, Silverwing.
Vagar is the oldest strongest and biggest dragon in House of the dragon and isn't known for backing down from any challenge that's why she and aegon eagerly Chase Silverwing confident they would win that fight.
However the blacks have several dragons on Dragon Stone hoping to lure around and vagar into a situation where they'd be heavily outnumbered in some situations, aemond might still take on the challenge for example a fight between vagar and Silverwing or Cyrax might seem winnable.
However vermithor being the second biggest and one of the fiercest dragons changes things although vaghar's greater battle experience might give her an edge in a one-on-one fight facing both the bronze Fury and Silver Wing would be unwise and adding sea smoke or Cyrax to the mix would seal vagar fate even if she could take a couple of them down with her.
Aemond realizes what's going on and understands that rhaenyra is trying to lure him into a trap similar to his own plans with Kristen Cole at the Battle of Rooks rest there's probably a part of him that hates to back down from a fight and might even think they could win because of their confidence.
However it's not worth the risk by retreating he and vagar live to fight another day o flying to Kings Landing on Silverwing and trying to lure aund and vaghar into a fight on Dragonstone is a bold and risky move on one hand it's an impressive power play showing that even aemond and vagar are outmatched and can't take on the full force of their dragons and this display of strength doesn't even include caraxes who is absent on the other hand there are some downsides
Ulf is a brand new Dragon Rider and even though Silverwing has plenty of experience and is smaller and faster than vagar there couldn't be complete certainty that they'd make it back safely similarly this also means revealing their strategy to the opposition when they might have kept the element of surprise for an attack on King's Landing.
However if there's an opportunity to take out vagar it's worth considering it's a high-risk move but it could offer the highest reward vagar has already fought against two rival dragons Arrax and Meleys and won both times she also seriously wounded one of Team Green's dragons Sunfire maintaining an undefeated record in the dance of the Dragons.
So far House of the Dragon season 2 episode 7 seems to set up more dragon battles but if it follows George are Martin's book Fire and Blood there aren't actually many more battles left for vear after this the broad sequence of events will have reira taking Kings Landing with support from Daemon Targaryen and caraxes along with the dragonseeds and their dragons.
Rhaenyra showing off as queen of dragons and the entire scene, Vhagar bursting through the clouds intent on chasing down that dragon until Aemond sees the others & then Rhaenyra stands with a look of promised vengeance & satisfaction as Aemond flees. And then all the dragons roared as one.
In House of the Dragon season 2 episode 7 aegon Targaryen chases after the dragon SilverWing but then surprisingly has vagar turn away before a fight starts, this is unusual for both end and vagar who have been shown to be more than willing to kill anyone in their way since the end of season 1.
In the ending of House of the Dragon season 2 episode 7 there's a big moment for team black with two new Dragon Riders joining their side and Ulf White claims Silverwing and Hugh Hammer claims vermithor and with these two huge dragons team black now has more confidence in facing vaghar.
Heavy spoilers ahead so take care and don't say I didn't warn you and also subscribe to this channel for more videos.
When Aemond is chasing silverwing which flew in kingslanding, Aemond senses the change too when Silverwing and to unexpectedly show up in King's Landing and he starts to chase them but then backs away from the threat waiting on Dragon stone with Vermithor, Syrax, Silverwing.
Vagar is the oldest strongest and biggest dragon in House of the dragon and isn't known for backing down from any challenge that's why she and aegon eagerly Chase Silverwing confident they would win that fight.
However the blacks have several dragons on Dragon Stone hoping to lure around and vagar into a situation where they'd be heavily outnumbered in some situations, aemond might still take on the challenge for example a fight between vagar and Silverwing or Cyrax might seem winnable.
However vermithor being the second biggest and one of the fiercest dragons changes things although vaghar's greater battle experience might give her an edge in a one-on-one fight facing both the bronze Fury and Silver Wing would be unwise and adding sea smoke or Cyrax to the mix would seal vagar fate even if she could take a couple of them down with her.
Aemond realizes what's going on and understands that rhaenyra is trying to lure him into a trap similar to his own plans with Kristen Cole at the Battle of Rooks rest there's probably a part of him that hates to back down from a fight and might even think they could win because of their confidence.
However it's not worth the risk by retreating he and vagar live to fight another day o flying to Kings Landing on Silverwing and trying to lure aund and vaghar into a fight on Dragonstone is a bold and risky move on one hand it's an impressive power play showing that even aemond and vagar are outmatched and can't take on the full force of their dragons and this display of strength doesn't even include caraxes who is absent on the other hand there are some downsides
Ulf is a brand new Dragon Rider and even though Silverwing has plenty of experience and is smaller and faster than vagar there couldn't be complete certainty that they'd make it back safely similarly this also means revealing their strategy to the opposition when they might have kept the element of surprise for an attack on King's Landing.
However if there's an opportunity to take out vagar it's worth considering it's a high-risk move but it could offer the highest reward vagar has already fought against two rival dragons Arrax and Meleys and won both times she also seriously wounded one of Team Green's dragons Sunfire maintaining an undefeated record in the dance of the Dragons.
So far House of the Dragon season 2 episode 7 seems to set up more dragon battles but if it follows George are Martin's book Fire and Blood there aren't actually many more battles left for vear after this the broad sequence of events will have reira taking Kings Landing with support from Daemon Targaryen and caraxes along with the dragonseeds and their dragons.